About Layout Views Customization

Defining layout views is an important step in the layout design process. Designers need to have a general idea of the overall dimensions of their design, as well as of its position in space.

You can customize layout views. However, you should be familiar with some concepts that are described in this section before you begin customizing layout views. This definition is used by 2D Layout for 3D Design app only.

See Also
Layout Views Customization

When customizing layout views, administrators define the 2D Layout for 3D Design view box, which gathers all the data needed to fully define the layout of a view set in the 2D window, as well as the position of each view in the 3D space.

This data is made up of:

  • Primary view type

  • 3D axis

  • View box anchor point

  • 3D axis origin

  • View box overall dimensions

A single, default, view box is defined for each standard (for example, there is a single view box for the ISO standard). The standard definition is retrieved when creating the first view of a view set: the view box definition is associated to each view set. Therefore, an update of the standard does not impact existing views.

Administrators will probably want to customize layout views for the ANSI-ASME, ISO and JIS standards, which have been specifically customized for the 2D Layout for 3D Design app (the colors, for example, have been configured for optimized display).

The view box is defined in the Standard Definition dialog box, in the drafting category > Layout Views Customization node, available via Me > Preferences > Standards.