About Pattern Definition

Patterns are used for area fills or in a Generative Drafting context when cutting through material in section views/cuts or breakout views, for example. Pattern definitions are located in the Standard Definition dialog box, in the drafting category > Patterns node, available via Me > Preferences > Standards.

However, you should be familiar with some concepts that are described in this section before you begin defining patterns.

This page discusses:

See Also
Pattern Definition

General Information

This topic provides general information about patterns.

There are a number of pre-defined pattern definitions available in the Standards editor. You can configure these definitions to suit your needs, by modifying one or several values of the parameters defining the pattern.

You can also add additional instances of pattern definitions. To create a pattern definition, you must use the Standards editor. Select the Patterns type in the standards editor, and then click Add Instance to add a new pattern instance. This will create a sample pattern definition that you will then configure to suit your needs, by modifying one or several values of the parameters defining the pattern.

Once defined or configured, a pattern can be applied to area fills (either via Properties in the context menu, or using the Graphic Properties in the Object Properties panel), or it can be used when cutting through material in generative section views/cuts or breakout views, for example.

General Remarks about Patterns

This topic makes general remarks about patterns.

  • If no pattern is defined in the standard XML file (i.e. if all instances of pattern definitions are removed from the standards editor), the software will automatically use its own selection of patterns. In this case, you will be able to edit all the properties of these patterns via Properties in the context menu or the Graphic Properties in the Object Properties panel .
  • You need to define at least one pattern for each type of pattern (hatching, dotting, coloring, image) if you want this specific pattern type to be available from the Properties in the context menu or from the Graphic Properties.
  • With hatching or dotting patterns, the spacing between each hatch or dot is sometimes larger than the area to fill. This makes it impossible to display the pattern properly. In such a case, the area fill contour is made bold and is turned into the same color as the pattern color. This enables you to identify items with area fills even if the pattern is not visible.
  • If you modify the standard of a drawing which already includes patterns (in area fills, sections or breakouts, for example), existing patterns will not changed, even when updating the drawing. However, if you create new area fills or if you create section views/cuts or breakout views from new parts in this drawing, the newly-defined patterns will be used.

Specific Remarks about Generated Patterns

This topic makes specific remarks about patterns generated in a context.

  • Hatching patterns are a combination of the angle and hatching lists available in the standard XML file: newly created patterns are based on the first hatching standard referencing successively the values of the angle list, then the second hatching standard referencing successively the values of the angle list, and so on.
  • A new hatching pattern is created for each newly cut part or body. Patterns are associated to bodies (their attributes are kept each time the view is updated) but are they are not persistent. This means that if a part becomes not cut after a view update, the associated pattern is definitively lost. If this part is cut again, a new pattern will be created.
  • Some parts use a material to which a specific pattern is associated. In this case:
    • You can either choose to use the pattern associated to this material (instead of the patterns defined in the standards) even if this pattern is not defined in the standards, or you can choose to use standard patterns only, instead of the pattern associated to this material. For more information, see View Generation Definition.
    • The angle list available in the standard XML file is used to define the pattern. However, note the following exception to this rule: if the material pattern angle equals 0, this is considered as a strong material specification. In this case, the angle for the generated pattern is kept at 0.
    • If you modify the pattern associated with the part material, the generated pattern is not modified even if you update the view.
    • When editing the properties of a pattern associated with a part material, Reset using Part Material Pattern is available in the Properties dialog box. When the original properties of the part material are modified, Reset using Part Material Pattern is activated to let you revert to the original part material pattern. For example, if you replace or modify a pattern associated with a part material by a pattern from the standard, then the generated pattern is considered as overloaded, and will not be updated if you modify the properties of the part material. In this case, you can always revert to the original part material pattern using the Reset using Part Material Pattern. Also use Reset using Part Material Pattern if you modify the part material pattern and want to apply these modifications to the generated patterns. If you reset a pattern using Reset using Part Material Pattern and do not modify it using other properties available in the Properties dialog box (no overload), and if you then modify the part material pattern, then this pattern will be updated accordingly.
  • When editing the properties of a pattern associated with a part material (via Properties or the Graphic Properties), the software offers its own selection of patterns, and not the patterns defined in the standard XML file.

Specific Remarks about Image Patterns

This topic makes specific remarks about image patterns.

  • It is recommended that you place images that you want to use for the Image pattern in either one (or in both) of the directories set by the following variables: - CATStartupPath (images used by materials) - CATGraphicPath (images and icons). Make sure you do not remove the files which are present in these directories when placing your images there. For more information about the CATStartupPath and on the CATGraphicPath variables, see the Infrastructure Installation Guide.
  • Make sure that images referenced in the standard XML file are present on the computer of each user who will use this standard.
  • Once an Image pattern is used in a drawing, the corresponding file is embedded inside it. You do not need to export the image files used in a given drawing.
  • Images used as patterns must be bitmap images (not vector).

Specific Remarks about Vector Patterns

This topic makes specific remarks about vector patterns.

  • The vector patterns can be defined by a string. This description consist of a list of lines: comments or single line description.
  • Each single line describes: angle, originX, originY, offsetX, offsetY, linePattern1, linePattern(n), and so on.

    • Angle (degrees): defining the rotation to apply on the planar reference axes originX, originY.

      Planar coordinates X, Y (before rotation) to define the line support reference offsetX, offset values X & Y to apply (after rotation) to compute the next instance of line support.

      OffsetX: Offset along the line reference and doesn't matter in case of full lines.

      OffsetY: Distance between 2 successive line support instances.

    • For example: I-Dashed Line Pattern.

      Successive values of lengths and empty spaces to define the dashed lines pattern:

      • No value defines a full line.
      • Positive value defines the length of a segment to draw (dash).
      • A null value means a dot on the line support.
      • A negative value defines the length of the empty space between two successive elements (dot or dash).

      Hatch 45° = 45, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0