Annotation Parameters

The annotation parameters let you customize annotations and their properties.

This includes annotation texts, roughness symbols, blank background, tolerance local indicators, and welding parameters. These parameters are located in the Annotation node of the Standard Definition editor.

  • The parameters let you to customize annotation leader symbols are located in the Dimension node of the standard editor. The parameters located in the Dress-Up node let you customize the appearance of dress-up elements, such as markup arrows and threads.
  • These parameters depend on a given parent standard.

This page discusses:

See Also
In the Knowledge Base
Why does the vertical space between the dimension and the leader line change automatically after inserting a symbol in the text?

Annotation Texts

Parameter Description Parent standard Value Description
Text > Leader Gap Horizontal offset between the text and the leader extremity ANSI and ASME only (mm)
Text > Leader Vertical Space Vertical offset between the bottom of the text and the horizontal part of the leader ISO and JIS only (mm)

Surface Texture

Parameter Description Parent standard Value Description
Surface Texture > Layout Layout of the surface texture symbol All standards Authorized/Not authorized Specifies whether a given field must be displayed (Authorized) or hidden (Not authorized) in the Surface Texture dialog box.
Surface Texture > Leader Gap Horizontal offset between the surface texture and the leader extremity ANSI and ASME

All standards

Surface Texture > Leader Vertical Space Vertical offset between the bottom of the roughness and the horizontal part of the leader All standards (mm)
Surface Texture > Extension Line > Thickness > Behavior Behavior of the extension line thickness All standards Fixed / Variable with symbol Specifies whether the thickness of the extension line must be fixed (using the value specified by the Line Thickness parameter below) or variable (using the graphic property of the thickness symbol itself).
Surface Texture > Extension Line > Thickness > Line Thickness Extension line thickness index All standards Integer Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent the extension line. This parameter is taken into account only if the Behavior parameter is specified to Fixed.
Surface Texture > Extension Line > Gap to surface Extension line gap to surface All standards (mm) Specifies the gap between the extension line and the pointed object.

Surface Texture > Extension Line > Length according to symbol Extension line length defined according to symbol or not All standards Yes/No Specifies whether the extension line length must be defined according to the roughness symbol length.

With value specified to Yes:

With value specified to No:

Surface Texture > Extension Line > Overrun Extension line overrun All standards (mm) Specifies the overrun of the extension line.

When the Length according to symbol parameter is specified to Yes:

When Length according to the symbol parameter is specified to No:

Surface Texture > Leader anchor according to standard (for ANSI and ASME) Leader anchor for ANSI and ASME only Yes/No In the case of ANSI or ASME standard, specifies whether the roughness leader anchor parameter must be the normalized standard, that is, the Leader Vertical Space parameter (with value specified to Yes) or the Leader Gap parameter (with value specified to No).

Blank Background

Parameter Value Description
Blank Background > Around Value > Extend To Frame Yes/No
Blank Background > Around Value > Margin (mm)

By default, the value is 1 mm.

Blank Background > Around Symbol > Activated Yes/No
Blank Background > Around Symbol > Margin (mm)

By default, the value is 0.5 mm.

Blank Background > Around Symbol > Margin Around Sensitive Point (mm)

By default, the value is 0.2 mm.


Parameter Value Description
Welding Staggered Display Usual/Alternative

Usual - Adds the staggered (Z) symbol in the welding symbol.

Alternative - Offsets the welding symbols on the opposite side of the reference line.

Welding Staggered Display Offset (mm)

Specifies the welding symbol offset.

By default, the value is 5 mm.

Welding Display > System-A

The symbolic representation of this system is based on a double reference line: a continuous line and a dashed line.

Welding Display > System-B

The symbolic representation of this system is based on a unique reference line.

Overrun By default, the value is 1.0. The overrun is equal to the font size.
Flag Display > Parameter 1

By default, the value is 1.5.

Parameter 1 x Font size

Parameter 2 x Font size

Parameter 3 x Font size

Flag Display > Parameter 2

By default, the value is 0.5.

Flag Display > Parameter 3

By default, the value is 0.8.


Expand Allow supplement Auxiliary Feature Indicators to customize the following standards:

Parameter Value Description
Intersection Plane Yes/No Select Yes to add to the list of Auxiliary Feature Indicators in the Geometrical Tolerance dialog box.
Orientation Plane Yes/ No Select Yes to add to the list of Auxiliary Feature Indicators in the Geometrical Tolerance dialog box.
Collection Plane Yes/No Select Yes to add to the list of Auxiliary Feature Indicators in the Geometrical Tolerance dialog box.
Direction Feature Yes/No Select Yes to add to the list of Auxiliary Feature Indicators in the Geometrical Tolerance dialog box.

The default values are Yes for ISO and JIS standards and No for ANSI-ASME standard.

Edge of Undefined Shape

Parameter Value Description
Leader Vertical Space mm

By default, the value is 3mm.

Offset 1 multiplying factor

By default, the value is 0.2.

Offset 2 multiplying factor

By default, the value is 0.2.

Offset 3 multiplying factor

By default, the value is 0.3.

a Leader vertical space
b Offset 1*Font size
c Offset 2*Font size
d Offset 3*Font size

Note: The actual offset value is a product of the edge of undefined shape symbol’s text font size and the specified offset parameter.