Dimension System Styles

The dimension system styles let you define the default values that will be used when creating different types of dimension systems.

This page discusses:

Defining Dimension System Styles

Dimension system styles are located in the Styles node of the Standard Definition editor, available via Me > Preferences > Standards.

By default, a style called Default is available for each dimension system style.

All parameters are taken into account both at creation time (i.e. when creating a dimension system), and at modification time (i.e. when reapplying a style to a dimension system).

Dimensions System Styles

Parameter Parameter Name Description
Dimension lines alignment Offset mode Specifies the dimension lines alignment mode for stacked dimension systems:
  • Constant: The offset between dimensions of a system remain constant and equal to the value defined in the Offset between dimensions field.
  • Free: The dimensions of a system can be moved independently.
Offset between dimensions Specifies the distance between two consecutive dimension lines for stacked dimension systems.
Dimension values alignment Align cumulated dimension values Specifies the dimension values alignment mode for cumulated dimension systems:
  • Reference line (value horizontal justification is edge)
  • Center (value horizontal justification is center)
  • Opposite (value horizontal justification is edge)
  • From standard
Values Offset Specifies the distance between the alignment reference and the dimension value for cumulated dimension systems.
Align stacked dimension values Specifies the dimension values alignment mode for stacked dimension systems:
  • Reference line
  • Center
  • Opposite
Values Offset Specifies the distance between the alignment reference and the dimension value for stacked dimension systems.
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