Defining Standard Parameters

You can configure standard parameters and define new format.

Note: This task provides an example of dimension configuration, but the procedure is the same when configuring other standard parameters (dimensions, annotations, dress-up elements, etc.). The procedure differs when configuring styles. For more information, refer to About Styles.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: You must have administrator rights. Select Me > Preferences > Standards to launch the standards editor. Choose the Drafting category, and then open the ISO.xml file from the drop-down list.

Configure Standard Parameters

You can configure standard parameters.

With the pre-defined ISO standard, a radius dimension extension lines reaches the center of the circle. The administrator will modify the extension line so that it does not reach the center of the circle.

  1. Select the Dimensions node in the editor.
  2. Modify the DIMLRadiusExtReachCenter parameter value from Yes to No.
  3. Set the DIMLRadiusExtLength parameter value to 2.
  4. Click OK to save your modifications.

Define a New Format

You can define a new dimension tolerance format.

In this scenario, the administrator will create a new dimension tolerance format, with superimposed tolerance values and parenthesis as separators. The new tolerance format will appear in the Tolerance combo box of the Dimension Properties in the Object Properties panel.

  1. Select the Tolerance Formats node in the editor.
  2. Click Add Instance.
    A format called TOLXXX is created.
  3. Rename this format TOL_USER.
  4. Configure the values as follows:

    • Make sure you set every parameter.
    • You must use the symbol used by the computer system to set a parameter to a real value ("," or "."). Note: you can use a fraction to set a parameter.
  5. Click OK to save the ISO.xml file and exit the Standards editor.