Create | Creates a snapshot of the product's DHF. See Creating a DHF Snapshot. Only available to a Product Manager or Project Lead role user who is the owner of at least one of the associated design projects with the product. |
Compare |
Compares the schedule of two selected snapshots in a split view in the Comparison tab. See DHF Snapshot Comparison. |
Enable Edit  | Allows you to edit one or more snapshots. To edit individual snaphots, select the snaphots first. Click . Use the Mass Update drop-down on the toolbar to change the Title or Description field. Type the new value and then select Apply to Selected or Apply to All. To save your edits, click Save on the toolbar. Only a Product Manager or Project Lead role user who is the owner of at least one of the associated design projects with the product can edit the DHF snapshot. |
Delete | Deletes the selected snapshot(s); Click OK to confirm the deletion. Only the owner of the DHF snapshot can delete it. |