Creating a Hazard

You can create a hazard.

Required access roles: Project Member or Owner of any design project associated with the product.

  1. From a page or tab listing hazards, from the toolbar or action menu, click Create New .
  2. Enter the following fields:

    Title. The title for the hazard.

    Description. The description of the hazard.

    Identification. Whether the hazard is "Known" or "Foreseeable."

    Condition. Whether the hazard is possible in a "Normal" or "Fault" condition.

    Sequence of Events. The sequence of events for hazardous situations. A rich-text enabled field.

    Hazardous Situation. Circumstances in which people, property or environment are exposed to hazards. A rich-text enabled field.

    Harm. Any physical injury or damage to people, damage to property or environment. A rich-text enabled field.

    Severity. The quantified impact of the hazard situation. Values are 1 through 5.

    Occurrence. The probability of the hazard's occurrence. Values are 1 through 5.

    RPN. The calculated Risk Priority Number, which is the product of the entered Severity and the Occurrence values.

  3. Click Done.
    To create multiple hazards, click Apply after entering each hazard. When finished with all hazards, click Done.