Phase Gate View

The phase gate view for a project shows information about a project's phases and gates.


To access this page:

  1. Open a project.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Schedule > Phase Gate View tab.

This topic describes:

Field Name Description
Phase-Gate Displays an icon indicating whether the column information is for a phase or gate .

If a phase is the current phase (started but not completed) in a project, its column is highlighted in green and its header has a white background. Headers for non-current phases and all gates have a gray background.

Type Displays Phase or Gate.
Name The name of the phase or gate. Click the name to view details in a new browser tab.
Progress A bar showing the progress of the phase or gate.
Status Phase status values:
  • On Time: If the "Actual Finish Date" of the phase is the same or before the "Estimated Finish Date," the phase status is displayed as "On Time."

  • Behind Schedule: If the phase is not in the "Complete" state and the difference between the "Estimated Finish Date" and today's date is less than or equal to the threshold value set in the property eServiceApplicationProgramCentral.SlipThresholdYellowRed, the phase status is "Behind Schedule."

  • Late: If a phase is not in the "Complete" state and today's date is after the "Estimated Finish Date," that phase status is " Late."

Gate status values:

  • Approve
  • Conditionally Approve
  • Hold
  • Cancel
Estimated Start Date The estimated start date for the phase or gate.
Estimated Finish Date The estimated finish date for the phase or gate.
Actual Start Date The actual start date for the phase or gate.
Actual Finish Date The actual finish date for the phase or gate.
(action icons) Action icons are displayed, which are described below.