Creating or Cloning a Bookmark or Sub-bookmark

The project owner and any member with Project Lead access and DPM license can create a top-level bookmark for a project. Anyone with Add access to a bookmark and DPM license can create a sub-bookmark in a bookmark. You can also create a controlled bookmark, which you can revise.

Another way to create bookmarks and sub-bookmarks is to clone the structure of an existing bookmark/sub-bookmark, including all content in the bookmark. See Copying a Bookmark.

Note: If you first create a bookmark and afterward add a member to a project, that person is not given access to the bookmark. You first add the person to the project, assign a project role to that person, and then create the bookmark in order for the person to have access to the bookmark.
Note: Only members of a project can be added to a specific (Inherit Access = No) bookmark or controlled folder using the "Add Member" action. You cannot add a particular member from a user group using the "Add Member" action. It is not possible to add a subset of a user group.You can use the "Add user groups" action to add a user group that is available to the project

Before you begin: View the list of bookmarks for the project. See Bookmarks Page.
  1. To create a bookmark, click Create Bookmark .

    If the bookmark's default access is Read, anyone who can view the project can view the bookmark, even if they are not in the access list.

    You can only create sub-bookmarks of the same type. For example, sub-bookmarks created from a controlled bookmark will be of the controlled bookmark type. Similarly, sub-bookmarks created from a simple bookmark will be of the same type.

  2. Enter these details for the bookmark:

    Type. The type, which is "Bookmark Folder."

    Number . The number of bookmark folders to create at the same time. The default value is "1" but you can enter an integer between 1 and 10. This field is used only for the "Create Bookmark" slide-in panel and not for the "Clone Bookmark" slide-in panel.

    Title. The title for the bookmark. The Autoname option is selected automatically if you choose a Number greater than 1.

    Description. A description of the purpose of the bookmark.

    Inherit Access. Choose an option:

    • Yes. For sub-bookmarks, the sub-bookmark's access list will inherit the parent bookmark's access list. Whenever the parent's access list changes, the same change is made to the sub-bookmark's access list. The sub-bookmarks's access list can be changed directly without affecting the parent's list.

    For top-level bookmarks, inherited access only applies when the default access is Read. In this case, all project members are added to the bookmark's access list and are given Read access.

    • No. The bookmark/sub-bookmark's access list is not inherited from the parent. Changes to the parent or sub-bookmark's access list are independent and have no effect on the other bookmark.

    Policy. Select the policy for the selected bookmark type.

  3. Click OK.

    You can also click Apply to create multiple bookmarks without closing the Create New Bookmark dialogue.

    The system creates the bookmark and adds you, the creator, to the access list with Add Remove access. If the Access Type is Inherited and you created a sub-bookmark, the parent bookmark's entire access list gets copied to the sub-bookmark's access list. If the Access Type is Inherited with default Read access and you created a top-level bookmark, all project members are added to the access list with Read access.