Creating and Assigning a Question in a Project Template

While working with a project template, you can create questions and assign them to tasks in the template.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: View the list of project templates and select one to work with. See Project Templates Page. Click the Name of the required template.

Create a Question in a Project Template

You can create a question while working with a project template.

  1. Click the Name of the template you want to edit.
  2. Choose the task you want to create a question for. Do not choose a task that already has a question, as indicated by a red check mark in the right column.
  3. Click Actions > Create.

    Note: To quickly create a question, click . You can edit the default attributes.

  4. Enter these details for the question:

    Name. The name of the question.

    Select Policy. The lifecycle policy, which is Question.

    Question. The question about the task in relation to the project:

    Once you save the Question Response, you cannot change it.

  5. Click OK.

On the Project Templates page, a check mark appears in the "?" column for all tasks requiring an answer to a question.

Assign a Question to a Task from a Project Template

You can assign a question to a task.

  1. On the Project Templates page, choose the task for which you want to create a question. Do not choose a task that already has a question., as indicated by a red check mark in the right column.
  2. Click Actions > Assign Question.
  3. Select the question you want to assign and its response.
  4. Click Assign.

The task is assigned the selected question. On the Project templates page a check mark appears in the "?" column for all tasks requiring an answer to a question.