This page displays the history of the complaint and associated items such as contact, event, reported item, investigation, product return, product fulfillment and AER.
To access this page:
From the Complaint Properties page, click the History tab.
Column Name
Name of the object.
Date and time of the action.
User name of the person who initiated the action.
Type of activity performed on the item, such as create, modify, connect, and so on.
State the item was in when the action occurred.
Details about the specific items involved in the action. For example, if the action is change owner, the details list the previous and new owners. If the action is connect, the details list the items that were connected.
You can filter the page to show only specific actions. Click
Refinementsto filter the page.
You can also create a PDF file containing history information, based on any filters applied by selecting Tools > Render PDF.