Title | Descriptive name of the regulatory request. |
Request Type | The request type this request is based on. |
Description | Details about the request. |
Origination Date | The date the request was created. |
Needed By Date | The date the request should be complete. |
Reply By Date | The date the request should be accepted or rejected by the responder, or accepted by someone in the request queue. |
Owner | The person who created the request. |
Originating Company | The company submitting the request (the requestor). |
Responding Organization | The company responding to the request. |
State | The current lifecycle state of the request:State | Description |
Create | The request has been created and the configuration needs to be done. | Requested | The request has been configured and submitted to the regulatory responder or request queue. | Assigned | Tasks have been assigned to individual regulatory users. | Review | The regulatory users have completed their action items. | Closed | The request has been approved. | Rejected | The request has been rejected. | Cancelled | The request was cancelled. |
Reject/Cancel Comments | Only shows if the request was rejected or cancelled. The comments entered for that action. |
Notes from Requestor | Any notes entered by the person who created the request. |
Request Assignee | The person who assigned to perform the work defined in the request. |
Request Queue | The request queue that contains members (Regulatory Responders) who can accept the request. The request shows a value for the Request Assignee or the Request Queue, but not both. |