Regulatory Request Properties

The Properties page shows details about the regulatory request.

Required access roles: Regulatory Request Administrator, Regulatory Administrator, Regulatory Requester, Regulatory Request Responder, Regulatory Lead, or Regulatory User

To access this page:

  1. Open the required regulatory request. See Opening a Regulatory Request.
  2. View the Properties page tab.
Important: This app stores personal data in some settings. To follow good personal data management practices, Business Administrators might need to edit these settings to remove personal data, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Field NameDescription
TitleDescriptive name of the regulatory request.
Request TypeThe request type this request is based on.
DescriptionDetails about the request.
Origination DateThe date the request was created.
Needed By DateThe date the request should be complete.
Reply By DateThe date the request should be accepted or rejected by the responder, or accepted by someone in the request queue.
OwnerThe person who created the request.
Originating CompanyThe company submitting the request (the requestor).
Responding OrganizationThe company responding to the request.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the request:

CreateThe request has been created and the configuration needs to be done.
RequestedThe request has been configured and submitted to the regulatory responder or request queue.
AssignedTasks have been assigned to individual regulatory users.
ReviewThe regulatory users have completed their action items.
ClosedThe request has been approved.
RejectedThe request has been rejected.
CancelledThe request was cancelled.

Reject/Cancel CommentsOnly shows if the request was rejected or cancelled. The comments entered for that action.
Notes from RequestorAny notes entered by the person who created the request.
Request AssigneeThe person who assigned to perform the work defined in the request.
Request QueueThe request queue that contains members (Regulatory Responders) who can accept the request.

The request shows a value for the Request Assignee or the Request Queue, but not both.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action NameDescriptionFor More Information
Submit Submits the requests to the Request Responder and the request queue. Requests must be in the Create or Rejected states.-
Accept For Regulatory Responders only when the request is in the Requested state.

Marks the request as accepted and assigns you as the Request Responder.

Assign For Regulatory Responders only when the request is in the Requested state.

Assigns the request to another user.

Assigning or Reassigning a Regulatory Request
Reassign For Regulatory Responders only.

If the request is assigned to you, you can transfer it to another responder.

Assigning or Reassigning a Regulatory Request
Reject For Regulatory Responders only.

Rejects the request.

Rejecting Regulatory Requests
Cancel For Regulatory Requestors only.

Cancels the request.

Cancelling a Regulatory Request
Edit Edits the properties shown on this page.Editing Regulatory Request Properties