| Title | The descriptive name for the market authorization. |
Description | Description for the market authorization. |
Country | Market Authorization Holder | The organization that is responsible for holding the market authorization for any product in this country. Click to open the Properties page for the organization. |
Regional Country Representative | The organization that acts as the company's regional representative in this country. Click to open the Properties page for the organization. |
Distributor | The organization that distributes the product in this country. Click to open the Properties page for the organization. |
Prescription Specification | The prescription details of the product for this country. |
Registered Product Name | The registered name of the product for this country. |
Authorization | Number | The authorization number for the product. |
Approval Date | The date of the approval of the market authorization. |
Start Effectivity Date | The effective state date of the market authorization. |
Expiration Date Required | Yes or No indicating if an expiration date is required for this market authorization. |
Expiration Date | The expiration date of the market authorization. |
Sunset Clause Date Required | Yes or No indicating if a sunset clause date is required for this market authorization. |
Sunset Clause Date | The date by which if the company does not commercialize the product, the market authorization might be lost. |
Sunset Clause Notification Interval | The number of days between notifications that the date for the sunset clause is approaching. |
Renewal Notification Interval | The number of days between notifications that the market authorization needs to be renewed. |
Restricted Authorization | Quantity of Units | Only shows for restricted authorizations. The number of units that can be used in this country granted by this restricted authorization. |
Clinical Product | Only shows for restricted authorizations. The name of the clinical product authorized by this restricted authorization. |