Setting Up a Ray Tracing Cluster

You can use a dedicated tool to monitor cluster machines.

This task shows you how to:

Cluster Setup

First, you need to set up the local rendering cluster.

Before you begin: About hardware requirements:
  • Server: a computer with 2 network cards (referred to as NC1 and NC2)
  • NC1 (for a connection internal to the cluster) with a high bandwidth
  • NC2 (for a connection outside the network) with a medium to high bandwidth
  • Client: a computer with 1 network card connected to the server.
  1. Install the DStellar package on every remote node and on the broker node.
  2. Create a temporary directory to store dependencies.
  3. Set the environment variable TMPDIR to point to it.
    For example:
    export $TMPDIR= ~/temp

Cluster Startup

The distributed rendering system starts on a cluster by launching first one remote node as bridge node. The remote node starts on all remaining worker nodes that connect to the bridge node. The cloudgate server starts and connects to the bridge node.

  1. Start a first remote node as bridge node.
    remote_node [OPTION]
    Program Options Description
    Produces a help message.
    -v [ --version ]
    Displays the version information.
    -l [ --localport ]
    Is the local listening port.
    -h [ --host ]
    Is the hostname of the bridge node used to connect to the cluster.
    -p [ --port ]
    Is the port of the bridge node used to connect to the cluster. The default is 0. This does not connect to bridge node.

    The system is using the default network interface. If multiple network interfaces are provided, you need to specify the following options.

    Advanced Options Description
    -i [ --interface ]
    Is the local network interface to listen on.
    -w [ --worker ]
    Is the flag telling if the node executes work package (true by default).
    -m [ --monitoringport ]
    Is the monitoring port (limited feature). The default is 0.
    -L [ --logging_config_path ]
    Is the path of the config file for the logging. The default is logging.conf.
    -d [ --dist_config_path ] arg
    Is the path of the config file for the distribution service. The default is node_config.json.
  2. Start remote_node on all remaining worker nodes, and specify the bridge node as an entry for joining the cluster.

    Option Description
    -1 9000
    Configures the port remote_node listens on for connections from other remote_node services and the cloudgate_server.
    -p 9000
    Configures the port for initial connection to the cluster - use the bridge node port.
    -h <Bridge Node host name or IP address>
    Configures the host for initial connection to the cluster - use the bridge node's host name.

  3. Start the broker node.
    broker_node [OPTION]
    Program Options Description
    Produces a help message.
    -v [ --version ]
    Displays the version information.
    Originator Interface Options Description
    -l [ --originator_port ]
    Specifies the port the originator listens on.
    -i [ --originator_interface ]
    Specifies the network interface the originator listens on.
    -h [ --originator_bridge_host ]
    Specifies the host name of the bridge node the originator connects to.
    -p [ --originator_bridge_port ]
    Specifies the port of the bridge node the originator connects to. The default value is 0. In this case, no connection to the bridge node takes place.
    Substitute Interface Options Description
    -L [ --substitute_port ]
    Specifies the port the substitute listens on.
    -I [ --substitute_interface ]
    Specifies the network interface the substitute listens on.
    -H [ --substitute_bridge_host ]
    Specifies the host name of the bridge node the substitute connects to.
    -P [ --substitute_bridge_port ]
    Specifies the port of the bridge node the substitute connects to. The default value is 0. In this case, no connection to the bridge node takes place.
    Advanced Options Description
    -w [ --worker ]
    Specifies the flag defining if the broker node executes work packages or not. The default value is "False".
    Recommendation: Do not define this option to "true" for low-performance workstations.
    -m [ --originator_monitoring_port ]
    Specifies the monitoring port for the originator. The default value is "0".
    -M [ --substitute_monitoring_port ]
    Specifies the monitoring port for the substitute. The default value is "0".
    -o [ --logging_config_path ]
    Specifies the path of the configuration file for the logging. The default value is logging.conf.
    -c [ --originator_config_path ]
    Specifies the path of the configuration file for the originator distribution service. The default value is originator_interface_config.json.
    -C [ --substitute_config_path ]
    Specifies the path of the configuration file for the substitute distribution service. The default value is substitute_interface_config.json.