Using the Stellar Rendering Log

You can use the Stellar Rendering Log to display information about the rendering progress.

  1. You can also press ALT+Shift+L to open the log.

    Clear or click the appropriate option at the top of the log panel anytime during the rendering phase to hide or show the associated information.

    Rendering InfoDisplays the renderer configuration, resolution, and target quality.
    Progress InfoDisplays a progress bar as well as the elapsed and estimated time for rendering the model.
    Rendering LogBy default, Verbose and Clean log on new session are activated but you can clear one or both options whenever required.
    • Verbose displays additional information in the log panel and in the log files.
    • Clean log on new session empties the log when you start a new session.

    The list below the two options lets you filter log messages based on severity: Progress (1), Info (2), Warning (3), or Error (4).

  2. To close the log panel, click Stellar Rendering Log (or press ALT+Shift+L).