Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts save you time when using Live Rendering.

From the Live Rendering section of the action bar, click Help .

Task Keyboard Shortcut
Start or stop a rendering Ctrl + Alt + R
Start rendering in background modeCtrl + Alt + B
Display the queue monitor for the rendering in background modeCtrl + Alt + Q
Open the Material Browser to apply materials Ctrl + Alt + M
Open ambience management panel Ctrl + Alt + A
Create a cameraCtrl + Shift + C
Open camera management panelCtrl + Alt + C
Modify the view angleCtrl + Alt + V
Display the rendering optionsCtrl + Alt + O
Pause or resume a renderCtrl + Alt + P
Export the rendered image on diskCtrl + Alt + D
Save the rendered imageCtrl + Alt + S
Setup the backplate for renderCtrl + Alt + G
Display the HUD information while renderingCtrl + Alt + I
Display or hide the help panelCtrl + Alt + H
Create an ambienceCtrl + Shift + A
Setup background rendering Ctrl + Alt + T
Display render log panelCtrl + Alt + L
Update assemblyCtrl + Alt + U
Display or hide the treeF3
Activate view selection toolF4