Resizing, Rotating, and Moving Objects

The Move command is used in conjunction with the Robot and enables you to resize, rotate, and move faces, points, lines, edges, and shapes.

  1. Select a face, point, line, edge, or shape to be resized, rotated, or moved. Multi-selection is possible by pressing Ctrl while simultaneously selecting objects with a left-click of the mouse.
    The selected area is highlighted in blue.
  2. Click Move .
    The Robot appears in the highlighted area.
  3. Choose between the X, Y, and Z axes to resize or move the selected area in each respective direction.

    Notes: Use the arc in the Robot to rotate the selected area. Moving a point or an edge of a single face resizes or stretches the face respectively. Moving a point at the corner of a shape or at the intersection of several faces modifies the entire shape.