Creating 3D Parts

You can use Send to New 3D Part to break down content into constituent parts and structure your content.

Before you begin:
  • Open more than one shape.
  • The shapes must not intersect.
  1. To show the tree and view the model structure, press F3.
  2. To create a 3D part, do either of the following:
    • In Select mode , select a shape and then click Send to New 3D Part in the context toolbar.
    • In Local Mode , right-click a shape and select Send to New 3D Part.

    Note: You cannot create a 3D part from a surface shape.

    Creating a 3D part impacts the product structure. In the tree, a new 3D part containing the selected shape is created. In the work area, the 3D part turns transparent. Any 3D constraints are converted to engineering connections.

  3. Repeat for other shapes.