Extrapolating Geometry

You can extrapolate wires and surfaces at one or several boundaries. Extrapolation is an operation in which an element is extended by a specified amount while respecting tangency or curvature conditions. Typically a surface boundary can be selected to extrapolate the surface for a specified length.

Note: This command may be used on the following features:
  • Edge of a skin
  • Vertex of a wire
  • Vertex of a skin

Before you begin: You must have created a wire.
See Also
Extending to Protrusion
  1. Select a vertex in the geometry.
  2. In the Selection bar, click Extrapolate and drag the vertex to adjust the length of the wire.

    You can use the Selection panel to enter the desired length in the Length field. Likewise, you can use the picker to pick an element in the 3D area to pick up this element.