Applying Industrial Context

You can apply the industrial context of a geometry based on a selection of industries. Fillets are automatically recognized.

Before you begin: Make sure that the Apply Industrial Context selection panel is locked into position to use the full functionality of this feature.
See Also
Basic Concepts: Industrial Context
  1. Select the geometry to apply.

    Note: No link will be maintained between the Natural Shape geometry and the original geometry.

  2. From the Shapes section of the action bar, click Apply Industrial Context .
  3. Define the Targeted Feature in the Converted geometry section of the selection panel.

    Note: Selecting Replace initial geometry replaces all initial geometry with the Natural Shape features.

  4. In the Industrial context of the selection panel, select an industrial context.

    The industrial context identifies the domain in which you create your model (for example, power train or body in white) and thereby defines industrial specifications for fillet radii, chamfer distances and angles, and draft angles.

    Note: Upon selecting an industry, the specifications appear and display the range of values for the Fillet radius, Chamfer length, and Chamfer angle.

  5. The Options section of the selection panel automatically recognizes fillets. You can specify which options to automatically recognize.
    Automatically recognize chamfers
    Automatically recognizes chamfers.
    Select Activate color coding to view chamfers in color.
    Automatically recognize linear and circular patterns
    Pattern instances are identified by a white dot along the pattern's axes.
    Automatically recognize threads and taps
    Recognizes the defined specifications of threads and taps.
    Upon activation, a Create technological results option appears.

    • Select Apply graphical properties to view colors, textures, or other applied effects on the converted geometry.
    • In the rare event of an imported design discrepancy, the Select Remove internal cavities option highlights the discrepancy and deletes it.

  6. If two objects clash, you can resolve their behavior in the Clash options section of the selection panel. Choose between Boolean union, Intersect, or Substract.
  7. Click on the Natural Shape geometry or in the background to apply the industrial context to your model.