Publishing the Radius Value of a Fillet

You can publish a constant fillet radius as a parameter in the tree.

  1. Select the edge to fillet and click Fillet.
  2. From the selection bar, click Publish the radius value.
    The parameter is visible in the tree.

  3. The following options are available in the selection panel in publication mode:
    Fillet/Radius Editor You can use the spinner or length picker to modify the fillet radius.
    Chordal or Radial Computation Mode Only one of these modes is active at a time. Switching between modes is possible without explicitly updating a model's data.
    Curvature Continuity The curvature continuity parameter of a fillet radius can be modified without explicitly updating a model's data.
  4. From the selection bar, click Unpublish the radius value to unpublish it.