Chamfering Edges

The Chamfer command lets you easily create a beveled surface along the common edge between two faces.

See Also
Creating Fillets
  1. Select the edge you want to chamfer.
  2. Click Chamfer .
    The chamfer angle is displayed next to the manipulator.
  3. Use the manipulator to modify the chamfer angle or length. Likewise you can enter a value in the callout.
    Tip: You can enter the distance and angle of the highlighted chamfer edge, based on the D1A1 or D1D2 distance/angle in the Selection Panel.

Note: To edit an existing chamfer, click directly on it and enter new values in either the Selection Bar or Selection Panel. To change the reference edge, select Switch Chamfer Support in the Selection Bar.

Chamfer distance (D1 and D2) and angle (A1 and A2) are measured as follows: