Using Co-Review

You can use co-review to interactively review a digital mockup.

Before you begin: Explore a product to open it as a root in a new navigation tab. The product is opened in its root app (Product Finder, Simulation Finder, Manufacturing Finder, or Interference Finder).
  1. Select Me > My Status > Sign In.
  2. In the 3DInstant Messaging panel, select a collaborator and click Start Co-Review .
    A co-review invitation will be sent to the person with whom you are currently collaborating.
    • The user with whom you are collaborating needs to be signed in, in 3DInstant Messaging.
    • You cannot send a co-review invitation to a person whose availability status is Away or Do not Disturb.
  3. Switch to the Design Review app.
    • You can create new review. If you create new review, it should be created after successfully establishing co-review between the leader and the observer.
    • If a review already exists in the explored product, you can open it.

    For more information about co-review, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Using Co-Review.