Plotting Material Stability Data

You can plot response-type computations that show the ranges over where the current material is stable or unstable for the applicable deformation modes. The app checks stability only at a discrete number of points and within a specified strain range. However, you can adjust both the upper and lower bounds of the strain range and the size of the strain intervals for each plotted deformation mode.


The stability data settings described in this section are used only to display the stability for the currently defined material; they are not used during a calibration. To define stability enforcement ranges for a calibration, see Enforcing Stability Settings During the Calibration.

When the app is in numerical execution mode (see About Material Models and Execution Modes) and either a hyperelastic or hyperfoam material is active you can check the stability of the hyperelastic or hyperfoam behavior. However, you can only enforce stability when the analytical execution mode is active.

See Also
About Material Stability
  1. From the Calibration Tools section of the action bar, click Material Stability Data .
    The Stability Indicators dialog box appears with a set of five plots that display the ranges over which the material is stable for each of the five deformation modes: uniaxial, biaxial, planar shear, simple shear, and volumetric.
  2. To adjust the strain ranges or strain intervals for any of the stability plots, do the following:
    1. Click Chart context menu.
      The Stability Plot Options dialog box opens and displays Range or Interval settings to control stability plot display for different deformation modes. The following table describes which ranges and interval settings correspond to plots of particular deformation modes.
    2. Adjust the Range or Interval settings for the stability plots of the applicable deformation modes.

      Stability Plot Option Deformation Modes
      Nominal strain Adjusts range and intervals for stability plots of uniaxial, biaxial, and planar strain data.
      Volume ratio Adjusts range and intervals for stability plots of volumetric data.
      Shear strain Adjusts range and intervals for stability plots of shear strain data.

  3. Click Synchronize range settings with calibration options to revert all range and interval settings back to the values specified for calibration. These ranges are specified in the Optimization Controls dialog box.