Upgrade of Materials with ELFINI Linear Elastic Domains

When you import or upgrade a material definition with ELFINI Linear Elastic Domain data into the current release, some of those data are transferred into equivalent material characteristics in the Simulation domain.

The ELFINI Linear Elastic Domain enabled you to model isotropic and orthotropic material behaviors in V5 and in releases of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform prior to R2015x. When you import model data or simulation data from V5 or upgrade data from a 3DEXPERIENCE platform release prior to R2015x, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform copies the physical properties defined in selected material behaviors from the ELFINI Linear Elastic Domain and creates equivalent values in a Simulation domain in a new material definition. This translation is supported for only a subset of material behaviors in the ELFINI Linear Elastic Domain: material characteristics in the Isotropic, Orthotropic 2D, and Orthotropic 3D behaviors are transferred during import, while those in the Fiber and Honeycomb behaviors are not.


Set the environment variable MAT_ACTIVATE_ELFINI=1 before launching 3DEXPERIENCE to enable the import or upgrade of material definition with ELFINI Linear Elastic Domain data.

The FBDI tool does not translate the data in the ELFINI Linear Elastic domain if linear elastic data is available in the Abaqus for CATIA V5 (AFC) domain. If the AFC domain includes a linear elastic definition, FBDI translates the AFC material data to the current release and ignores all material data from the ELFINI Linear Elastic domain.

This section describes the material behaviors that are created in the Simulation domain when you import ELFINI Linear Domain data into this release. Each table describes the correspondence between an item in the ELFINI Linear Domain data and the resulting characteristic created in the Simulation domain.

This page discusses:

Isotropic Behaviors

Material characteristics in an Isotropic behavior in the ELFINI Linear Elastic domain are mapped to the Elastic, Density, Plastic, and Expansion options in the Simulation domain.

Physical characteristic in Elfini Behavior and setting in Simulation domain
Young's modulus Elastic options: Type=Isotropic: Young's Modulus
Poisson's ratio Elastic options: Type=Isotropic: Poisson's Ratio
Density Density options: Density
Yield strength Plastic options: Type=Isotropic Plasticity: Shear Strength
Coefficient of thermal expansion Expansion options: Alpha

Orthotropic 2D Behaviors

Material characteristics in an Orthotropic 3D behavior in the ELFINI Linear Elastic domain are mapped to the Elastic, Density, Fail Stress, and Fail Strain options in the Simulation domain.

Physical characteristic in ELFINI domain Behavior and setting in Simulation domain
Longitudinal Young Modulus Elastic options, Type=Lamina: E1
Transverse Young Modulus Elastic options, Type=Lamina: E2
Poisson Ratio in XY PlaneElastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: Nu12
Shear Modulus in XY PlaneElastic options, Type=Lamina: G12
Shear Modulus in XZ PlaneElastic options, Type=Lamina: G13
Shear Modulus in YZ PlaneElastic options, Type=Lamina: G23
Density Density options: Density
Longitudinal Tensile StressFail Stress options: Stress Fiber (T)
Longitudinal Compressive StressFail Stress options: Stress Fiber (C)
Transverse Tensile StressFail Stress options: Stress Transverse Fiber (T)
Longitudinal Compressive StressFail Stress options: Stress Transverse Fiber (C)
Longitudinal Thermal ExpansionExpansion options, Type=Orthotropic: Alpha11
Transverse Thermal ExpansionExpansion options, Type=Orthotropic: Alpha22
Longitudinal Tensile StrainFail Strain options: Strain Fiber (T)
Longitudinal Compressive StrainFail Strain options: Strain Fiber (C)
Transverse Tensile StrainFail Strain options: Strain Transverse (T)
Transverse Compressive StrainFail Strain options: Strain Transverse (C)
Shear Stress Limit in XY PlaneFail Stress options: Shear Strength

Orthotropic 3D Behaviors

Material characteristics in an Orthotropic 3D behavior in the ELFINI Linear Elastic domain are mapped to the Elastic, Density, and Fail Stress options in the Simulation domain.

Physical characteristic in ELFINI domain Behavior and setting in Simulation domain
Longitudinal Young Modulus Elastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: E1
Transverse Young Modulus Elastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: E2
Normal Young Modulus Elastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: E3
Poisson Ratio in XY PlaneElastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: Nu12
Poisson Ratio in XZ PlaneElastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: Nu13
Poisson Ratio in YZ PlaneElastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: Nu23
Shear Modulus in XY PlaneElastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: G12
Shear Modulus in XZ PlaneElastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: G13
Shear Modulus in YZ PlaneElastic options, Type=Engineering Constants: G23
Density Density options: Density
Transverse Thermal ExpansionExpansion options, Type=Orthotropic: Alpha11
Normal Thermal ExpansionExpansion options, Type=Orthotropic: Alpha22
Longitudinal Tensile StressExpansion options, Type=Orthotropic: Alpha33
Longitudinal Tensile StressFail Stress options: Stress Fiber (T)
Longitudinal Compressive StressFail Stress options: Stress Fiber (C)
Transverse Tensile StressFail Stress options: Stress Transverse (T)
Transverse Compressive StressFail Stress options: Stress Transverse (C)
Shear Stress Limit in XY PlaneFail Stress options: Shear Strength