IMDS Upload Data

This section describes each element that can be uploaded to IMDS and its mapping to Materials Compliance Management attributes.

Because Materials Compliance Management does not support receiving IMDS requests from customers, the following are unsupported elements:

  • AssignRequest
  • UnassignRequest
  • RejectRequest

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


The Datasheet element is the container element for <Module>, <Chap3>, and <Chap4> elements.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
Request_IDNot supportedMaterials Compliance Management does not support customer IMDS requests and does not provide a request ID with a datasheet.


The Module element is the container element for a part or material being inserted or updated.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes

For Engineering BOM Management parts:

  • State, if Preliminary, Review, Approved = Yes
  • All Other States = No

For Compliance Enteprise Parts:

  • External Part Stage, if Development, Prototype = Yes
  • All other External Part Stages = No

Properties can be used to change values causing DevSampleRep to be set to Yes. For enterprise parts you can configure the mapping to be based on part state rather than external part stage.
ModeSet to Insert if module has no IMDS IDs or is Cleared for Insert. Otherwise, set to Update or Replace Export Dialog IMDS Replace/Update Mode parameter.
StatusExport Dialog IMDS Status parameter
IMDS_ID IMDS Node ID of part if Mode = Update or Replace


The Component element is uploaded when a part is inserted or modified and the part has a unit of measure of EACH and is a top level part or referenced by other parts with an integer.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
NameAttribute Description of part
ArtNrAttribute Name of part
MeasuredWeightAttribute Calculated Weight of part
UnitUnit of measure from attribute Calculated Weight of part
ToleranceExport Dialog - IMDS Tolerance parameter
AmountQuantity attribute of the EBOM relationship (if the part is nested under another part)
PolymericMarkAttribute Polymeric Marking of part


The Application element is uploaded when a component references a material which in turn references a substance with an application associated with it.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
Subst_IDAttribute IMDS Substance Node ID of substance
ApplCodeAttribute Application of the Component Substance relationships
Mat_IDAttribute IMDS Material Node ID of the materialIf the material is being inserted this would be the local key of the material module.
Comp_IDAttribute IMDS Component Node ID of the part written as a component referencing the material


The SemiComponent element is uploaded when a part is inserted or modified and the part has a unit of measure other than EACH or is referenced by another part with a fractional EACH quantity.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
NameAttribute Description of part
ArtNrAttribute Name of part
Type"Fix" if the attribute Quantity on EBOM relationship amount is specified or "Rest" if the attribute Quantity on EBOM relationship is FILL
WeightThe weight of the part in the component as computed by Materials Compliance Management from attribute Quantity on EBOM relationshipOnly specified if the parent part is a Component (quantity is a weight)
UnitComputed from attribute Quantity on EBOM relationshipOnly specified if the parent part is a Component (quantity is a weight)
FixValueThe % weight of the part in the semicomponent as computed by Materials Compliance Management from the attribute Quantity on EBOM relationshipOnly specified if the parent part is a SemiComponent (quantity is a percentage)
MinValueNot Supported by Materials Compliance Management
MaxValueNot Supported by Materials Compliance Management

If part Unit of Measure attribute is a length unit - attribute Calculated Weight converted to kg/m

If part Unit of Measure attribute is an area unit - attribute Calculated Weight converted to kg/m^2

If part Unit of Measure attribute is a volume unit - attribute Calculated Weight converted to kg/m^3


If part Unit of Measure attribute is a length unit - set to kgm

If part Unit of Measure attribute is an area unit - set to kgm2

If part Unit of Measure attribute is a volume unit - set to kgm3


The Material element is uploaded when a material is inserted or updated.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
Name_DENot Supported by Materials Compliance ManagementThis is the German name of the material
Name_ENAttribute Name of materialThis is the English name of the material
TradeName_DENot Supported by Materials Compliance ManagementThis is the German name of the material
TradeName_ENAttribute Marketing Name of materialThis is the English name of the material
MatNrAttribute Material Number of material
StdMatNrAttribute Standard Material Number of materials
SymbolAttribute Material Symbol of materials
CategoryAttribute Classification Code of Material Classification associated with the material
SupplierAttribute Manufacturer
Remark_DENot Supported by Materials Compliance ManagementThis is the German name of the material
Remark_ENAttribute IMDS Miscellaneous Substance Remark of materialThis is the English name of the material
NoJokerForGadslAttribute No Joker for GADSL of material


The Norm element is uploaded when a material references a material specification with a IMDS Institute associated with it.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
InstNameAttribute IMDS Institute of material specification associated with the materialThe material specification will only be uploaded as a Norm if it has an IMDS Institute associated with it.
NormCodeAttribute Name of material specification associated with the material


The Recyclate element is uploaded with materials.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
ContainsRecyclateAutomatically set to Yes if there are non-zero values of attributes Post Industrial Recyclate or Post Consumer Recyclate in MCC
PostIndMinAttribute Post Industrial Recyclate of material
PostIndMaxNot writtenSince MCMaterials Compliance ManagementC does not support recycled content ranges this field is left blank and IMDS treats the min amount as a fixed number
PostConsMinAttribute Post Consumer Recyclate of material
PostConsMaxNot writtenSince Materials Compliance Management does not support recycled content ranges this field is left blank and IMDS treats the min amount as a fixed number


The RefComponent element is uploaded when a part references another part uploaded as a component.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
IMDS_IDIMDS Component Node IDThis will be written out only if the IMDS Component Module ID is also stored with the part.
LocalKeyRefLocalKeyDef of a moduleIf there is no IMDS_ID defined, and this part is being inserted as a separate module in this upload, this is the key define in the <Module> element.
AmountAttribute Quantity of the part EBOM relationshipQuantity of the part


The RefSemiComponent element is uploaded when a part references another part uploaded as a semicomponent.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
IMDS_IDIMDS Semicomponent Node IDThis will be written out only if the IMDS Component Module ID is also stored with the part.
LocalKeyRefIf there is no IMDS_ID defined, and this part is being inserted as a separate module in this upload, this is the key define in the <Module> element.
Type"Fix" if the attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship amount is specified or "Rest" if the attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship is FILL.
WeightThe weight of the part in the component as computed by MCC from attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship.Only specified if the parent part is a Component (quantity is a weight)
UnitComputed from attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship.Only specified if the parent part is a Component (quantity is a weight)
FixValueThe % weight of the part in the semicomponent as computed by MCC from the attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship.Only specified if the parent part is a SemiComponent (quantity is a percentage)
MinValueNot Supported by Materials Compliance Management
MaxValueNot Supported by Materials Compliance Management


The RefMaterial element is described below.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
IMDS_IDIMDS Semicomponent Node IDThis will be written out only if the IMDS Component Module ID is also stored with the part.
LocalKeyRefIf there is no IMDS_ID defined, and this part is being inserted as a separate module in this upload, this is the key define in the <Module> element.
Type"Fix" if the attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship amount is specified or "Rest" if the attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship is FILL.
WeightThe weight of the part in the component as computed by Materials Compliance Management from attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship.Written out only if the weight can be expressed in grams, kilograms, or milligrams.
UnitComputed from attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship.Written out only if the weight can be expressed in grams, kilograms, or milligrams.
FixValueThe % weight of the part in the semicomponent as computed by Materials Compliance Management from the attribute Quantity on the EBOM relationship.Written out only if the weight is expressed in percentage.
MinValueNot Supported by Materials Compliance Management
MaxValueNot Supported by Materials Compliance Management


The Substance element is uploaded when a material references a substance.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
IMDS_IDAttribute IMDS Substance Alternate Node ID of the substance if defined. Otherwise, attribute IMDS Substance Node ID.
TypeSet by Materials Compliance Management based on whether fixed, min/max, or fill quantities are provided in the Component Substance relationship
FixValueAttribute Quantity of the component substance relationship
MinValueAttribute Minimum Weight of the component substance relationship
MaxValueAttribute Maximum Weight of the component substance relationship
ClassifiedAttribute Confidential on the component substance relationship
ProcessChemTypeAttribute Substance Purpose of the component substance relationship


The Chap3 element is uploaded when a part is uploaded and a contact is selected on the export dialog page.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
ContactIDExport Dialog IMDS Contact parameterContact ID is looked up in the ccall.dat file for the selected contact
CompanyOrgIDExport Dialog IMDS Contact parameterContact Company Org ID is looked up in the ccall.dat for the selected contact


The Chap4 element is uploaded when a part is uploaded and the customer-program selected on the export dialog page matches a customer part number associated with the part.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
RecipCompanyIDAttribute IMDS Company ID of Customer
RecipPartNoAttribute Name of Customer Part Number
RecipPartNameAttribute Description of Customer Part Number
DrawingNoAttribute Drawing Number of Customer Part Number
DrawingDateAttribute Drawing Date of Customer Part Number
DrawingChangeNoAttribute Drawing Change Level of Customer Part Number
RecipSampleNoAttribute Report Number of Customer Part Number
RecipSampleDateAttribute Report Date of Customer Part Number
OrderNoAttribute Purchase Order Number of Customer Part Number
DeliverySlipNoAttribute Bill of Delivery Number of Customer Part Number
RecipSupplierCodeAttribute Supplier Code of Customer Part Number
SupplierSiteCodeAttribute Ford Supplier Site Code of Customer Part Number
SupplCode1Attribute Daimler Supplementary Code 1 of Customer Part Number
SupplCode2Attribute Daimler Supplementary Code 2 of Customer Part Number
DGTLevelAttribute Daimler DGT Level of Customer Part Number
NoJokerForGadslNissan attribute to specify whether a reference Wildcard substance does not refer to GADSL Substances.
ForwardAllowedAttribute IMDS Forward Allowed of Customer Part Number
TypeNot supported


The MultiplePart element is uploaded Uploaded with <Chap4> elements when Customer Part Number object in Materials Compliance Management contains Fiat part numbers.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
PartNumberAttribute Fiat Reference Part Numbers of Customer Part Number


The RenaultChap4 element is uploaded with <Chap4> elements when the Customer Part Number object in Materials Compliance Management contains Renault attribute values.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
PartIndexAttribute Renault Part Index of Customer Part Number
ProjectAttribute Renault Concerned Project of Customer Part Number
EmailAttribute Email of Customer Part Number
StandardIndexAttribute Renault Standard Index of Customer Part Numbe
CommentAttribute Renault Comment of Customer Part Number
Engineering_IVAttribute Renault Engineering IV of Customer Part Number
Engineering_IDVUAttribute Renault Engineering IDVU of Customer Part Number
Engineering_IMAttribute Renault Engineering IM of Customer Part Number
Engineering_IDPAAttribute Renault Engineering IDPA of Customer Part Number


The ValidPart element is uploaded with <Chap4> elements when the Customer Part Number object in Materials Compliance Management contains Renault valid parts.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
ReferenceAttribute Renault Valid Reference of Renault Valid Part relationship
IndexAttribute Renault Valid Index of Renault Valid Part relationship


The Request element is the root element for all request actions.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes


The RequestCreate element is uploaded when a material declaration is created with Create IMDS Request. It results in the creation of a request in IMDS.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
ProjectNameAttribute IMDS Project Name of the Material Declaration
TypeAttribute IMDS Request Type of Material Declaration
SupplierCompanyIDAttribute IMDS Company ID of the supplier associated with the material declaration
DeadlineDateAttribute Declaration Due Date of the Material Declaration
SendNot used
<Chap4>/@RecipCompanyIdAttribute IMDS Company ID of Host Company
<Chap4>/@RecipPartNoAttribute Name of Material Declaration's Enterprise Part
<Chap4>/@RecipCompanyIdAttribute Description of Material Declaration's Enterprise Part


The SendRequest element is uploaded when a material declaration is promoted to the Requested state.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
Request_IDAttribute IMDS Request ID of the material declaration


The ChangeRequest element is uploaded when a material declaration is edited.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
Request_IDAttribute IMDS Request ID of the material declaration
TypeAttribute IMDS Request Type of the material declaration
DeadlineDateAttribute Declaration Due Date of the material declaration


The SendRequest element is uploaded when a material declaration is Accepted or Rejected.

AttributeMaterials Compliance Management MappingNotes
IMDS_IDAttribute IMDS Component Node ID or IMDS Semicomponent Node ID of a material declaration’s top-level reported part.
<RecipientStatus>/@StatusAccepted (if material declaration is Accepted) or Rejected (if material declaration is Rejected)
<RecipientStatus>/@RejectReasonComments of material declaration promotion to Rejected state


The SendRequest element is uploaded when a material declaration is promoted to Cancelled state.

AttributeMCC MappingNotes
Request_IDAttribute IMDS Request ID of a material declaration