Materials Compliance Connect
Materials Compliance Connect is an MS/Excel spreadsheet format that is used by suppliers to provide MEP data to Materials Compliance Management customers. MEPs can be imported complete with MEP sub-parts, materials, and substances.
When a Materials Compliance Connect file is imported, the Importer uses these rules to determine a match for the supplier:
- Supplier Code and Supplier Name are retrieved from the Supplier Information tab.
- Organization ID attribute is searched for matching. Supplier is used if matched.
- Supplier Name is searched for matching. Supplier is used if matched.
- If no supplier is found, the property add-supplier-from-spreadsheet is accessed. If the value for this option is false, an error occurs. If true, the Supplier is added.
The effect of Supplier Type on imported parts:
- If the supplier already exists in Materials Compliance Management then it is used. The designation in the spreadsheet is used only when a new Supplier is added to Materials Compliance Management.
- Top-level parts and the lower-level parts objects will have the governed policy as "Manufacturer Equivalent".
Parts are imported with part level declarations. The resulting part will contain overridden calculated compliance and/or calculated substances or substance classifications.
Materials Compliance Management BOM Format (XML)
A BOM format in XML is easier to generate out of external BOM systems, as well as easier to parse and syntax check in Materials Compliance Management. In addition, Materials Compliance Management can also export this format.
Legacy BOM Format
The legacy BOM format is primarily used to import data from the customer's BOM system. Typically, this is the first step in the process of populating data in Materials Compliance Management. While it is possible to import a complete set of compliance data into Materials Compliance Management using the BOM format, generally speaking the BOM format is used to import the basic part structure. From there, the other Importer formats (Materials Compliance Management Spreadsheet and IPC) are used to import the material composition of the parts.
The existing BOM format includes records for defining the following objects:
- Suppliers
- Customers
- Compliance Definitions (actually, just substance lists)
- Parts (Enterprise, Materials Compliance Management, and MEP)
- Materials
- Substances
IPC 1752A
IPC 1752A specify a format for the reporting of supplier parts materials compliance. It
allows reporting of materials, substances, overall RoHS compliance, JIG exemptions
taken, and substance classification information for a single part, or for a single
part and a single level of sub-parts.
IPC permits data to be exchanged electronically as XML, PDF, or hard copy. Direct Materials Compliance Management Importer support for IPC is limited to the XML format. The importer will use
the version attribute to determine whether the import file version is IPC
The XML may be generated from the PDF. IPC provides a PDF file which allows suppliers to enter data in a human-readable form, and export XML from the PDF using the free Adobe Reader (v7.0.5 or later required). This mechanism for generating XML can also be a useful testing tools.
The XML may also originate from other sources, of particular interest, from the supplier's own Materials Compliance Management app.
When a BOM is imported and if more than one manufacturer equivalent part (MEP) is reported, a single material declaration will be created and associated to all reported MEPS. If a reported MEP already has an existing active material declaration in the Created/Requested state the newly created reported part will be associated to the existing active material declaration. If the existing material declaration is already reported then its reported part will be replaced with the newly created reported part.
Exemptions in the import file should match up to compliance applications with compliance type RoHS EL2010/122/EU.
Materials Compliance Management supports the IPC 1755 XML standard for conflict mineral declarations (CMDs), which allows the import of CMDs from suppliers. The scope of an imported CMD will be determined as follows: If there is an element <Organization>, then the scope is Company; If there is an element <Product>, then the scope is Product List.
IPC 1752B
IPC 1752B specify a format for the reporting of supplier parts materials
compliance. It allows reporting of materials, substances, overall RoHS compliance,
JIG exemptions taken, and substance classification information for a single part, or
for a single part and a single level of sub-parts.
IPC permits data to be exchanged electronically as XML, PDF, or hard copy. Direct
Materials Compliance Management Importer support for IPC is limited to the XML format. The importer will use
the version attribute to determine whether the import file version is IPC
The XML may be generated from the PDF. IPC provides a PDF file which allows
suppliers to enter data in a human-readable form, and export XML from the PDF
using the free Adobe Reader (v7.0.5 or later required). This mechanism for
generating XML can also be a useful testing tools.
The XML may also originate from other sources, of particular interest, from the
supplier's own Materials Compliance Management app.
Exemptions in the import file should match up to compliance applications with
compliance type RoHS EL2010/122/EU.
Materials Compliance Management supports the IPC 1755 XML standard for conflict mineral declarations (CMDs),
which allows the import of CMDs from suppliers. The scope of an imported CMD
will be determined as follows: If there is an element <Organization>, then
the scope is Company; If there is an element
<Product>, then the scope is Product List.
JAMP AIS version 3.1 specifies a format for material declarations.
Under JAMP AIS, MEP names can be reported in two ways: - The field "Multiple Product Name/Product Series Name" under Article Information can have one or more MEP names separated by a comma. This indicates multiple MEPs with the same content.
The fields "Requester Item
Number 1,2,3,4,5,6" and "Issuing Company Item
Number 1,2,3,4,5,6" under Requester Information can have pair of
CEP > MEP. This also indicates MEPs with the same
content. This section is optional.
Materials Compliance Management will match and process each MEP in both lists, avoiding redundant MEPs, if any. If one is not found, the MEP will be created if the importer option is turned on to do so. As a result, multiple material declarations will be associated to a single JAMP AIS file import.
Since JAMP AIS reports by material classification, there is not a
material name available to Materials Compliance Management. If Materials Compliance Management creates a material using
only the material classification name, subsequent imports from JAMP AIS
XML of other materials with the same classification will match to
the same material even though the material composition might be
Materials Compliance Management will create an auto-generated material name and a material title by prefixing
the direct parent part name + material classification code. The name will allow material matching if the same file is re-imported.
The JAMP AIS tool does not allow composite materials.
When a BOM is imported and if more than one manufacturer equivalent part (MEP) is reported, a single material declaration will be created and associated to all reported MEPS. If a reported MEP already has an existing active material declaration in the Created/Requested state the newly created reported part will be associated to the existing active material declaration. If the existing material declaration is already reported then its reported part will be replaced with the newly created reported part.
Exemptions in the import file should match up to compliance applications with compliance type RoHS EL2011 EL2010/571/EU.
JAMA JAPIA sheets which are input with tool version 2.12 (English) are supported for material declarations. JAMA JAPIA sheets are imported into Materials Compliance Management in CSV file format.
Each CSV file from a JAMA sheet contains one or more reported BOMs. Materials Compliance Management will match and process each Manufacturer Equivalent Part (MEP). If one is not found, the MEP will be created if the importer option is turned on to do so. As a result, multiple material declarations will be associated to a single import file. JAMA JAPIA sheets do not allow composite materials.
The property emxMaterialsCompliance.JAMA.JAPIA.topPart.mapTo is used to set the value "EP" or "MEP". The default value is "EP".
Below are the imported record types containing data: - C record type contains header data such as version and date.
- H record type contains supplier and requester data.
- D record type contains part, materials, and substances data.
CMRT (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template) is an Excel format reporting tool for Conflict Materials Declarations. This tool is supported by the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI).
For more details, see
Materials Compliance Management imports data from the following CMRT revision 3.0 worksheets: - Declaration
- Smelter List
- Product List
Materials Compliance Management uses the spreadsheet tab names to
determine if data is in CMRT format.
Both .xls and .xlsx files can be imported into Materials Compliance Management.
Smelter definitions are imported using an XML file.
When importing smelter information, the loader tries to determine if the specified smelter already exists in Materials Compliance Management. If it already exists, then any detail changes encountered in the import XML will be made to the corresponding smelter in Materials Compliance Management. Smelters are matched by smelter ID. If the smelter does not already exist then it will be created. If an existing smelter in Materials Compliance Management is not defined in the imported smelter file, that smelter will be deleted, assuming the smelter is not referenced by a conflict mineral declaration.
For an existing smelter, the following information can be updated: - Smelter Name
- Conflict Mineral (add or remove)
- Certification
- Certification Source
- Expiration