RowType=P (Part) or RowType=PUD (Part Update Data
Creates a enterprise part or an enterprise plant-specific part in Materials Compliance Management and will also connect this part to parent parts for Level >1.
Field Number | Field Name | Definition & Materials Compliance Management-Workgroup Mapping | Materials Compliance Management Mapping |
1 | Rowtype | Defines the type of data in the row. Set to "P" or "PUD". | |
2 | Level | Part hierarchy level. Level 1= highest level within scope of file. Not used for Rowtype "PUD". | |
3 | Part Number | The unique part number (typically from the BoM system). Not required for Rowtype "PUD". | Part "Name" attribute |
4 | Part Revision | Part revision number/designator | Part "Revision" attribute |
5 | Part Revision Date | Date of the revision. Date format must be YYYY-MM-DD. | Part "External Revision Date" attribute |
6 | Part Name | Name of the part (typically from BOM system). Not required for Rowtype "PUD". | Part "Description" attribute |
7 | Part Type | Set to "Assembly" if saleable end item, otherwise "Component". Valid values are: Assembly, Component. Not required for Rowtype "PUD". | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
8 | Part Quantity Amount | Quantity of sub-part. Applicable and required if Level > 1. Will be ignored if an end item (i.e. Level = 1). Valid values are: Positive number. Not required for Rowtype "PUD". | Creates EBOM relationship between part and parent part (using the Level field to define the position of the part in the BOM hierarchy). This field maps to the Quantity attribute of this relationship. |
9 | Part Quantity UoM | Unit of Measure of sub-part. Applicable and required if Level > 1. Will be ignored if an end item (i.e. top level). Valid values are: each, g, kg, lb, in, ft, yd, mm, cm, m, in*2, ft*2, mm*2, cm*2, m*2, in*3, ft*3, mm*3, cm*3, m*3, gallon, liter. Not required for Rowtype "PUD" unless Part Quantity Amount is specified. | EBOM relationship Quantity Unit of Measure attribute (see above) |
10 | Part Weight Amount | Numerical measured weight of the part. This is always unit weight, even if Part Quantity is not 1. Value values are: Any positive number. | Part "Weight" dimensional attribute. Required for Rowtype "P" leaf parts that have materials specified (typically bottom-level leaf parts) using a quantity of %. |
11 | Part Weight UoM | The part weight units designator. Valid values are: g, kg, lb. | Part "Weight" dimensional attribute. Required for Rowtype "P" leaf parts that have materials specified (typically bottom-level leaf parts) using a quantity of %. |
12 | Weight-Per UoM | Weight units per amount. Valid values are: each, in, ft, yd, mm, cm, m, in*2, ft*2, mm*2, cm*2, m*2, in*3, ft*3, mm*3,, cm*3, m*3, gallon, liter. | Part “Unit of Measure” attribute. Required for Rowtype "P" leaf parts that have materials specified (typically bottom-level leaf parts) using a quantity of %. |
13 | Colored Flag | Flag indicating whether part is a colored part. Valid values are: Yes, No. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
14 | Article Flag | Flag indicating whether part is an article. Valid values are: Yes, No. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
15 | Recycling Code | A multi-value field that indicates whether the part is physically marked for the purpose of recycling. Each value should be quoted, and multiple quoted values separated by a comma. Valid values are: "Chemical Symbol", "VDA 260", "ISO 11469", "ISO 1629", "ISO 1043-2", "ISO 1043-1", "SAE J1344", "Not Marked", "Not Applicable". | Part "Recycling Code Standards" attribute |
16 | RSRC Recyclability Category | Recyclability category indicating how recyclable it is based on the material(s) it is made from. Valid values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
17 | RSRC Disassembly Category | Disassembly category that best reflects the amount of time and effort required to remove the part from the assembly it is used in. Valid values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
18 | J1344 Recycling Code | No longer used. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
19 | CFCs | Whether CFCs are used in the manufacturing process of this part. Valid values are: Yes, No. | Part "Contains CFCs" attribute |
20 | Part Stage | Process stage of the part. Valid values are: Prototype, Development, Released, Service. | Part "External Part Stage" attribute |
21 | Supplier ID | Supplier ID (Name or Code/Number) of the part supplier. Valid values are: Supplier Name of a Row Type=V entry or an existing Materials Compliance supplier name OR Vendor Code/Number of an Row Type=V entry or an existing Materials Compliance Management supplier code. Note: This should include an internal code for in-house make parts. | Used to identify a supplier in Materials Compliance Management for an MEP that is matched or created and then connected to the enterprise part as a manufacturer equivalent. |
22 | Fabrication Plant Name | Manufacturing Fabrication Plant Name associated to the part. Valid values are: Fabrication Plant Name in a Row Type=VP (Supplier Plant) row or an existing Materials Compliance Management fabrication plant name. | Used to identify a supplier location (by Location "Name" attribute) to be used as the manufacturer location for an MEP that is matched or created and then connected to the enterprise part as a manufacturer equivalent. |
23 | Supplier Part # | Optional: Supplier part number, if purchased part. | Attribute "Name" of the MEP that is matched or created and then connected to the enterprise part as a Manufacturer Equivalent. |
24 | Supplier Revision | Optional: Supplier part revision designator, if purchased part. | Attribute "External Revision Level" of the MEP that is matched or created and then connected to the enterprise part as a Manufacturer Equivalent. |
25 | Supplier Rev Date | Optional: Supplier part rev date, if purchased part. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD. | Attribute "External Revision Date" of the MEP that is matched or created and then connected to the enterprise part as a Manufacturer Equivalent. |
26 | GM Dismantling Category | This is the dismantling category for the part according to the General Motors GMW3116 standard. Valid values are: D1, D2, or D3. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
27 | Model Year | The four character model year associated with the part. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
28 | Division/Product Type | This field is used to define the product type or company division to which the part belongs. The name must correspond exactly to one of the valid names already defined in MCC for this field. If multiple company divisions/ product types are associated with the part, use comma to delimit. For example, "div1","div2". | Causes a plant-specific part to be created for the enterprise part. This field maps to a host company location in MCC |
29 | Miscellaneous1 | Miscellaneous field that can be populated with site-specific data. This field is pre-configured to support any single text string entry to be associated to the part. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
30 | Miscellaneous2 | Miscellaneous field that can be populated with site-specific data. This field is pre-configured to support any single text string entry to be associated to the part. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
31 | Miscellaneous3 | Miscellaneous field that can be populated with site-specific data. This field is pre-configured to support any single text string entry to be associated to the part. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
32 | Miscellaneous4 | Miscellaneous field that can be populated with site-specific data. This field is pre-configured to support any single text string entry to be associated to the part. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
33 | Miscellaneous5 | Miscellaneous field that can be populated with site-specific data. This field is pre-configured to support any single text string entry to be associated to the part. | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management |
34 | Component IMDS ID | IMDS Component Node ID attribute of Part object | |
35 | SemiComponent IMDS ID | IMDS Semicomponent Node ID attribute of Part object | |
36 | IMDS Module ID | IMDS Component/Semicomponent Module ID attribute of Part object. This field (if non-empty) will be mapped to attribute "IMDS Component Module ID" if field "Component IMDS ID" is non-empty and field "SemiComponent IMDS ID" is empty. This field (if non-empty) will be mapped to attribute "IMDS Semicomponent Module ID" if field "Component IMDS ID" is empty and field "SemiComponent IMDS ID" is non-empty. An error will be reported that reflects this field cannot be imported if it is non-empty and fields "Component IMDS ID" and "SemiComponent IMDS ID" are non-empty. | |
37 | IMDS Version | IMDS Component/Semicomponent Version attribute of Part object. This field (if non-empty) will be mapped to attribute "IMDS Component Version" if field "Component IMDS ID" is non-empty and field "SemiComponent IMDS ID" is empty. This field (if non-empty) will be mapped to attribute "IMDS Semicomponent Version" if field "Component IMDS ID" is empty and field "SemiComponent IMDS ID" is non-empty. An error will be reported that reflects this field cannot be imported if it is non-empty and fields "Component IMDS ID" and "SemiComponent IMDS ID" are non-empty. | |
38 | Version | Part "External Part Version" attribute | |
39 | Part Application | Part "Part Application" attribute | |
40 | Part Family | Not imported in Materials Compliance Management | |
41 | ISO 1043 and ISO 11469 Polymeric Marking | Values are "Yes", "No", and "N/A". | Part "Polymeric Marking" attribute |
Notes | Coordinate any use of Miscellaneous fields in advance with ENOVIA. ------------------------------------- Required for Rowtype "P" leaf parts that have materials specified (typically bottom-level leaf parts) using a quantity of %. |