Supplier Data File Format Specification

This section contains tables illustrating the data file import format for the supplier entity.

Each column represents a field, and should be separated in the file by a tab (the delimiter). Each row should be terminated with a carriage return.

This page discusses:

RowType=V (Supplier)

Creates a Location in MCC-Enterprise and connects it to the supplier.

Field NumberField NameDefinition & MCC-Workgroup MappingMCC-Enterprise Mapping
1RowtypeDefines the type of data in the row. Set to "V".
2Supplier NameThe name of the company supplying the part.Supplier Company "Name" attribute
3Vendor Code / NumberA unique identifier for the supplier. If multiple vendor codes are associated with the supplier, use a comma to delimit and place the codes within quotes (" "). For example, "code1","code2"Supplier Company "Organization ID" attribute
4Supplier TypeSet to either "External" or "Internal", if in-house part.Supplier Company "Supplier Type" attribute
5Miscellaneous1Miscellaneous field that can be populated with site-specific data. This field is pre-configured to support any single text string entry to be associated to the supplier.Not imported in MCC
NotesNeither Supplier Name nor Vendor Code/Number can be reused over different suppliers. For example, a supplier name for one supplier cannot be used as a supplier code for another supplier.

RowType=VP (Supplier Plant)

Creates a location in Materials Compliance Management and connects it to the supplier.

Field NumberField NameDefinition & MCC-Workgroup MappingMCC-Enterprise Mapping
1RowtypeDefines the type of data in the row. Set to "VP".
2Fabrication Plant NameThe name of the plant (typically the city the plant is in).Location "Name" attribute

Row Type=VPC (Customer IDs for Supplier Plant)

Creates a location in Materials Compliance Management and connects it to the supplier.

Field NumberField NameDefinition & MCC-Workgroup MappingMCC-Enterprise Mapping
1RowtypeDefines the type of data in the row. Set to "VPC".Not imported in MCC
2Customer NameThe name of the company being supplied by the plant.Valid values are: Customer Name in a Row Type=C (Customer) entry or an existing Materials Compliance Management customer name.Not imported in MCC
3Plant IDCustomer-assigned Plant ID for the supplier.Not imported in MCC

RowType=VC (Supplier Contact)

Creates a person in Materials Compliance Management and connects it to the supplier.

Field NumberField NameDefinition & MCC-Workgroup MappingMCC-Enterprise Mapping
1RowtypeDefines the type of data in the row. Set to "VC".
2NameName of the contact personField parsed into “First Name, "Middle Name", and "Last Name" attributes
3TypeDescribes the type. (e.g., IMDS leader, etc.)Not imported in Materials Compliance Management
4Fabrication Plant Namef applicable, the name of the plant for the contact. Valid values are: Fabrication Plant Name in a Row Type=VP (Supplier Plant) entryCreates Primary Contact relationship between the supplier location and the person
5TitleJob title of the contact personPerson "Title" attribute
6DepartmentDepartment of the contact personCreates Relationship "Department Employee" between the person and the department with this name.
7Mail CodeMail code (if applicable) of the contact personPerson "Mail Code" attribute
8eMailEmail address of the contact personPerson "Email Address" attribute
9PhonePhone number of the contact personPerson “Work Phone Number” attribute
10FaxFax number of the contact personPerson "Fax Number" attribute
11CellCell phone number of the contact personPerson "Pager Number" attribute
12Address1Address line 1 of the contact personAddress 1 and 2 are combined into the Person "Address" attribute
13Address2Address line 2 of the contact personAddress 1 and 2 are combined into the Person "Address" attribute
14CityCity of the contact personPerson "City" attribute
15State/ProvinceState/Province of the contact personPerson "State/Region" attribute
16Zip/Postal CodeZip/Postal Code of the contact personPerson "Postal Code" attribute
17CountryCountry of the contact personPerson "Country" attribute
18CommentText comment string, which should be enclosed in quotes
NotesA maximum of one supplier contact per fabrication plant is allowed.