Properties for Configuring Conflict Mineral Declarations

These properties configure maps conflict materials to substance classifications. The importer uses this mapping when creating or updating smelter objects so that the smelter can be associated with the correct substance classification for the smelter's conflict minerals. You can also configure status codes and the maximum number of MEPs to display in the Conflict Minerals Status report.

For more information, see Configuring Conflict Mineral Declarations.

Properties Name Description Values
emxMaterialsCompliance.ConflictMineral.SubstClass.TinDefines the substance classification used for tin.Substance classification code
emxMaterialsCompliance.ConflictMineral.SubstClass.TantalumDefines the substance classification used for tantalum.
emxMaterialsCompliance.ConflictMineral.SubstClass.TungstenDefines the substance classification used for tungsten.
emxMaterialsCompliance.ConflictMineral.SubstClass.GoldDefines the substance classification used for gold.
emxMaterialsCompliance.ConflictMineral.SubstClass.<CODE>Defines the display text for the substance classification codes defined above. For example, if you define the Gold classification code as SC100, this property should be defined as: emxMaterialsCompliance.ConflictMineral.SubstClass.SC100=GoldText string
emxMaterialsCompliance.ConflictMineralDeclarationStatusesLists the available codes for the status of conflict mineral declarations. The values are those defined by the following emxMaterialComplianceCentral.ConflictMineralDeclarationStatus.<STATUS> properties.Comma-separated list
emxMaterialComplianceCentral.ConflictMineralDeclarationStatus.CompleteDefines the status code for a complete Conflict Mineral Declaration.Text character
emxMaterialComplianceCentral.ConflictMineralDeclarationStatus.IncompleteDefines the status code for an incomplete Conflict Mineral Declaration.Text character
emxMaterialComplianceCentral.ConflictMineralDeclarationStatus.UnreportedDefines the status code for an unreported Conflict Mineral Declaration.Text character
emxMaterialComplianceCentral.ConflictMineralDeclarationStatus.InvalidDefines the status code for an invalid Conflict Mineral Declaration.Text character
emxMaterialComplianceCentral.ConflictMineralStatusReport.MaxDisplayMEPsDefines the maximum number of MEPs to display in the MEPs column of the Conflict Mineral Reporting Status report.Positive integer