Properties for Configuring Substance Types

These properties are used to configure to enable search the specific substance types if there are derived subtypes with the same name and revision number.

For more information, see Configuring Substance Types.

Property Name Property Description Valid Values
emxMaterialsCompliance.SubstanceMatch.TypePattenDefines which types of substances to be used for searching or matching substance, also the configured types are not expanded to include their derived subtypes

For example: emxMaterialComplianceCentral.RollUp.enableParallelRollUp = Substance Subtype1, Substance Subtype2, Substance Subtype3

The comma separated list of substance types to use for search and match the substances in rollup, import, report, and export. The configured substance types are only searched and not the subtypes.

  • Comma separated value for the name of derived subtype of substance.
  • Empty
    Note: The default value for this property is empty.