Properties for Configuring XML File Import and Export

These properties affect the mapping and names for compliance definitions and compliance types used with import and export files.

For more information, see Configuring XML File Import and Export.

Properties Name Description Values
emxMaterialComplianceCentral.ComplianceDefinition.<COMPLIANCE_TYPE>Defines the compliance types for importing supplier declarations.<COMPLIANCE DEFINITION>:<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialComplianceCentral.worstCaseComplianceDefinitionDefines the compliance type used to determine the best/worst/first reported MEP for the Selected Equivalent Method. Also determines the value for the Compliance Indicator in the Compliance Report.

You can specify a material or component level threshold.

mxMaterialsCompliance.UnreportedPartComplianceDefininitionDefines the compliance type used to get the exemptions list for IPC prepopulate.<COMPLIANCE DEFINITION>:<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialsCompliance.CCExport.SoCComplianceDefininitionControls the export of compliance definitions.<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialsCompliance.IPCv2.QueryList.<COMPLIANCE_TYPE>.IdentityMaps the compliance definition to the IPC-1752A query list.<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialsComplianceCentral.ExportIPC.IPC_V2_CDEFsOrderForDeclaration Defines the compliance definitions used to generate compliance declarations for IPC-1752A export.Comma-separated list of <COMPLIANCE DEFINITION>:<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialsComplianceCentral.ExportIPC.IPC_V2_CDEFsOrder.AllDefines the compliance definitions used to generate compliance declarations for IPC-1752A export.Comma-separated list of <COMPLIANCE DEFINITION>:<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
mxMaterialsCompliance.IPCv2.QueryList.identity.<COMPLIANCE TYPE> and emxMaterialsCompliance.IPCv2.QueryList.identity.DefaultMaps the IPC-1752 query list identity to the compliance definition (class A).<COMPLIANCE DEFINITION>:<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialsComplianceCentral.ImportIPC.IPC_V2_CDEFsOrder.Identity.<COMPLIANCE_TYPE>Uses the identity to find the corresponding compliance definition for substance category groups form the IPC XML schema (SCRIBA Class C).<COMPLIANCE DEFINITION>:<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialsComplianceCentral.ImportIPC.IPC_V2_CDEFsOrder.Identity.<COMPLIANCE_TYPE>Uses the identity to find the corresponding compliance definition for substance category groups form the IPC XML schema (BoMCheck Class C Declarations).<COMPLIANCE DEFINITION>:<COMPLIANCE TYPE>
emxMaterialsCompliance.IPCv2.ComplianceDeclaration.<COMPLIANCE_TYPE>.<CODE>.trueDefines the IPC-1752A Import and Export Certification Statements. These are the possible codes in the property name::
  • Y: yes, requirements met without exemptions
  • N: no, requirements not met and no exemptions
  • E.Lead: requirements met except for Lead, and usage may qualify under an exemption
  • E.Other: requirements met except for exemptions
  • U: unknown
  • O: obsolete
Report statement.
emxMaterialsCompliance.IPCv2.ComplianceDeclaration.<COMPLIANCE_TYPE>.Y.true emxMaterialsCompliance.IPCv2.ComplianceDeclaration.<COMPLIANCE_TYPE>.N.falseProperties that define the statement for reports based on whether the item is compliant.Report statement.
emxMaterialsCompliance.IPCv2.ComplianceDeclaration.<COMPLIANCE_DEFINTIION>.ValuesControls the IPC-1752A Import and Export Compliance Settings.One of these values, or a comma-separated string of these values:
  • Y
  • E.Lead
  • E.Other
  • N
  • O
  • U