Creating Materials

You can create materials.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader
  • On premises only: App-specific: Compliance Engineer

  1. To create a stand-alone material:

    Click Add > Materials Compliance > Create Material

    To create a material that is a component of another material:

    1. Open the required material.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Composition Powerview.
    3. Click the Component Materials tab.
    4. Select Actions > Create Material.

    To create a material for a part:

    1. Open the required part.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Materials & Composition.
    3. Select Actions > Create Material .

  2. Enter details about the material:
    Field Name Description
    Title A descriptive title of the material.
    Type The type of material. Click to select either Internal Material or External Material. If creating a component material under a part, the only available type is External.
    Revision or Revision Level For an internal material, this is the revision identifier for the material object. If left blank, the revision "1" is automatically assigned. The app always creates a new internal material, even if you enter the same title as an existing object, regardless of the revision value. That is, you cannot use this dialog box to revise an existing internal material.

    For an external material, the revision level for the component material.

    Revision Date For an external material, the date of the revision.
    Material Symbol The material symbol, for example, the IMDS symbol for the material.
    Internal Material Number The internal material number. This field displays if RoHS data management is installed.
    Standard Material Number A standard material number for a material that has compliance data but not certified supplier declarations at this time.
    Description A description of the material.
    Owner The owner for the material. Click to select the person who is the owner.
    Supplier For an external material, the Supplier.
    Manufacturer The manufacturer of the material.
    Edit Component Materials (only show when creating a component material):
    Weight The weight of the material.
    Unit of Measure The unit of measure of the above weight.
    Quantity Type Defines how the weight will be calculated:

    Value Description
    Fill The app calculates the weight in the list of Component Materials for a parent material or part. Only one material in the list can have Fill selected.

    When using Fill, all other component materials must use either percentage, range, or PPM as the Weight Unit of Measure.

    Specified Enter a value for weight.
    Unkown Only shows if IPC 1754 is enabled and your Business Administrator has enabled Unknown as a quantity type. When selected, the app uses the minimum and maximum values for rolling up compliance.

    When choosing the value for this field, note that the components of a part or material cannot include materials that have a value of Fill and other materials with a value of Unknown.

    Recycled Content:
    Percent Post Industrial Recyclate The percentage of post-industrial (pre-consumer) recycled content in the material. If a value is entered in the text box it must be a positive integer between 0 and 100. The sum of post-industrial recycled content and post-consumer recycled content cannot exceed 100.
    Percent Post Consumer Recyclate The percentage of post-consumer recycled content in the material. If a value is entered in the text box it must be a positive integer between 0 and 100. The sum of post-industrial recycled content and post-consumer recycled content cannot exceed 100.
    Percent Measured Contained Recyclate The percentage of contained as measured recycled content in the material. If a value is entered in the text box it must be a positive integer between 0 and 100.
    Percent Released Contained Recyclate The percentage of contained as released recycled content in the material. This number is automatically calculated and displayed as the sum of the post-industrial recycled content and post-consumer recycled content.
    Trade Name The trade name of the material.
    Specific Gravity The specific gravity of the material.

    The policy for the material. Select a policy from the drop-down list.


    The vault containing the material object. Click to select a vault.

    JAMP AIS: JAMP Use A JAMP AIS definition of how the material is used in parts. Select the use from the list. When you select an option, the app updates the list for Material Classification to show only valid classifications for the selected use.
  3. Click Done.