REACH Intentionally Released Substances Report Details

The Details tab of the REACH Intentionally Released Substances lists details for the intentionally released substances in each part selected.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader
  • App-specific: Compliance Engineer, Senior Compliance Engineer

To generate this report, see Generating the REACH Intentionally Released Report, and then click the Details tab.

Field NameDescription
Enterprise Part:
Part NameThe name of the enterprise part.
Part RevisionRevision of the part.
Plant The plant for plant-specific parts.
Part DescriptionDescription of the part.
Weight The calculated weight of the part. Shown in the unit of measure chosen for the report.
Annual Number of EU Units ImportedThe annual quantity of assemblies imported from the EU community.
NameThe name of the substance.
CASThe CAS Number of the substance.
EC NumberThe EC number of the substance.
Total % of IR Substances in PartThe total percentage of the intentionally released substance with respect to the part.
Total Wt of IR Substances in Part The total weight of the intentionally released substance with respect to the part. Shown in the unit of measure chosen for the report.
Total Annual Wt in PartThe total annual weight of the substance with respect to the part. Shown in the unit of measure chosen for the report.