User Preferences

The ENOVIA Preferences dialog box lets you set preferences for Materials Compliance Management.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Owner
  • App-specific: Compliance Engineer

To access this page:

  1. Click Me > ENOVIA Preferences from the top bar. The left side of the dialog box lists the global preferences and preferences for each app.
  2. In the left pane, click Materials Compliance.
  3. Click the preference option you want to set.

When finished setting preferences, click Apply or Done.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

Auto Create Material Declaration Preferences

When Auto-create material declaration is enabled, whenever an MEP (Manufacturer Equivalent Part) is created using the user interface or an import of a Bill of Material XML file, a material declaration is automatically created for each MEP created, along with due date and requestor comments. The material declaration will be promoted to the Requested state if these options are used. If ELV is used, an IMDS request is created, if configured, along with the configured IMDS request type, and IMDS project values set on the material declaration. These preferences override the default settings in the properties file.

Preference Option Description
Auto Create Material Declaration upon MEP Creation Choose Yes to automatically create a material declaration when an MEP (Manufacturer Equivalent Part) is created.
Number of Days to Due Date Enter the number of days from the date of auto creation as the due date.
Promote to Requested state Choose Yes to automatically promote the material declaration to Requested when it is auto created.
Requestor Comments Enter default instructions for suppliers on the material declaration.
Create IMDS RequestChoose Yes to automatically create an IMDS request. This option is used only if ELV data management is used.
IMDS Request TypeSelect Component or Semicomponent. This option is used only if ELV data management is used.
IMDS Project Enter the IMDS project name for an auto created IMDS Request. This option is used only if ELV data management is used.

BOMcheck Login Preference

A Compliance Administrator or Compliance Engineer can specify the API key to log in to BOMcheck. This key allows the system to connect to the BOMcheck server when downloading material declarations from it.

Preference Option Description
Manufacturer API KeyEnter the login ID to the BOMcheck server.

Compliance Type for IPC 1752 Preference

Compliance Administrators can specify the compliance type preference for IPC 1752 V2.0.

Preference OptionDescription
Compliance Type for IPC 1752 PreferenceSelect a compliance types. You only see the compliance types for the data management modules your company uses.

The selected compliance type overrides the default compliance type used during import of IPC 1752 2.0 Class D when no identify is found for an exemption.

IMDS Login Preference

Compliance Administrators can specify IMDS login preferences that are set for all users who connect to IMDS.

Preference OptionDescription
IMDS PasswordThe password.
Proxy ServerThe proxy server name for connecting to IMDS.
Proxy Server PortThe port number for the proxy server.
Proxy Server UsernameThe username for connecting to the proxy server.
Proxy Server PasswordThe password for the proxy server username.

ECHA Login Preference

A Compliance Administrator or Compliance Engineer can specify the API key to log in to ECHA. This key allows the system to connect to the ECHA server when downloading material declarations from it.

Preference Option Description
ECHA Portal API Key Enter the login ID to the ECHA portal.