About Rollups

A rollup updates critical compliance attributes that are calculated from component parts (including raw material parts), MEPs, materials, substances, and compliance definitions to the top-most part in an EBOM tree.

A rollup is performed for the following reasons:

  • Certain reports and exports require this information

There are two kinds of rollups:

  • The global rollup is a complete rollup of every out-of-date object. Out-of-date means that something has changed within the object that requires that data be rolled up.
  • The selected material/part rollup is a rollup of selected parts or materials. This is usually performed prior to viewing data or accessing certain functionality in Materials Compliance Reporting that depends on the object being up to date. For example, you cannot export a set of parts unless they are up to date. The advantage of the selected material/part rollup is that the items that are actually updated are only those that are descendants of the part or materials. A user does not have the global rollup overhead of updating every part or material that is out-of-date to export a selected few.
  • The parallel rollup is used to enhance the performance in both the global and selected material/part rollups. The Enable Parallel Roll Up option can be configured to enable or disable in the Global Rollup page. You can select whether to use or not the parallel rollup while performing the global rollup. In the selected material/part rollup, the parallel rollup is performed if it is enabled using the configuration setting. When you select parallel rollup, each root or leaf node is processed in the separate thread, in parallel, using the available processors.
  • Rollup of ECHA Material Classifications per Threshold: The app calculates the rollup of ECHA material classifications per threshold (substance or substance classifications and reportable application). This is required for the reporting SCIP data at threshold level. This is not a rollup task and also not affect the existing calculated substances and substance classifications function. It is calculated to create a declared threshold.
  • The material classifications are reported in the pair of JAMP material classification with reference to the ECHA material classification. So both the JAMP and ECHA material classifications are required for a material.

An Author or Design Engineer can perform selected material/part rollups.

To request a rollup:

  • Review one or more parts listed that need rollup.
  • Ask your Administrator to perform a rollup.