Name | The name of the part. Click the name to view the part's properties. For more information, see Compliance Menu for Part Properties. |
Level | The level of the part in the substance. Only shows when viewing the Where Used list of parts for a substance. |
Type | The part type. |
Manufacturer | For MEP parts, the manufacturer (supplier) name. |
Manufacturer Location | For MEP parts, the location responsible for this part for this manufacturer. |
Rev | For enterprise parts, the revision level of the part. |
Mfg Rev | For MEP parts, the manufacturer (supplier) revision of the part. |
Plant | For plant-specific enterprise parts, the plant (host company location) associated with the part. |
Description | The description of the part. |
Calculated Compliance Values | The calculated compliance values for each compliance definition marked as a rolled-up enterprise compliance definition. Grouped by compliance type such as RoHS, ELV, and Packaging. For enterprise parts only the selected compliance value is displayed. These icons indicate the compliance value:Icon | Description |
 | Compliant with this compliance definition |  | Compliant with exemptions |  | Not compliant with this compliance definition |  | Unreported or contains unreported parts |  | Has an assigned declaration level and the compliance definition is not part of the declaration level. |  | Has one or more children parts that are "Insufficient". |  | Compliance is out-of-date and a rollup needs to be performed |
State | The state of the part. |
Owner | The owner of the part. |
Policy | The policy of the part. |
IMDS ( if the ELV data management option is used): |
Component Module ID | The IMDS module ID of the part as a component in IMDS. |
Component Version | The IMDS version of the part as a component in IMDS. |
SemiComponent Module ID | The IMDS module ID of the part as a semicomponent in IMDS. |
IMDS Weight Tolerance | The weight tolerance of the part. |
SemiComponent Version | The IMDS version of the part as a semicomponent in IMDS. |