Generating the Supplier Report

The Supplier Report is initiated from one or more CEPs (enterprise parts). These are typically the CEPs of assemblies. The report generation will find all of the associated MEPs (manufacturer equivalent parts) and then determine whether they are reported or unreported. You can filter which MEPs are displayed and can also choose whether the original CEPs are displayed.

Pre-populate files are files compatible with reporting tools such as Materials Compliance Connect or IPC 1752A. These files contain the list of parts that need to be reported and can be sent to suppliers. Suppliers can then load these files into these reporting tools as part of a request for a material submission.

The report runs in two phases. In the initial phase, the report finds the MEPs and categorizes them by supplier and reporting status. An output form is then presented to allow you to generate the final output (phase 2) by choosing the format of the output and performing further filtering on the MEPs. The output form can be submitted repeatedly as needed to generate the desired results.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, Leader
  • App-specific: Compliance Reviewer, Compliance Engineer, Senior Compliance Engineer

The Supplier Report can be generated for one or more Enterprise Parts or MEPs.

Use the Compliance menu to access this report. You can find this menu on the toolbar of any of these pages:

  • Properties page for a part
  • Compliance View page for a part
  • Equivalents category for a part
  • Compliance Portfolio app category for Materials Compliance Reporting
  • Bill Of Materials for the part

  1. Click Compliance > Reports > Supplier.
  2. Select the Compliance Definition for the report.
  3. Click Submit.
    The app generates the list of suppliers for the part and loads the Report Output section with report criteria.
  4. In the Report Output section, enter values for these items:

    Field Name Description
    Suppliers Selected the supplier you want the report for.
    Descendants Chose to include (with) or exclude (without) descendant parts from the report.
    Manufacturer Equivalents Choose to include all MEP equivalents, or only the Selected Equivalent MEP for the report.
    Total Parts(s) Found For information only. This field lists the number of parts the report will include.
    Report Type Choose Supplier Report, or one of the Pre-populate reports. The pre-populate reports provides the list of parts that need to be reported by suppliers.

    Report Type Description
    Supplier Report Create a tabular view of the MEPs.
    Pre-populate CC - RoHS Create a pre-populate file compatible with the RoHS version of Compliance Connect.
    Pre-populate CC - ELV Create a pre-populate file compatible with the ELV version of Compliance Connect.
    Pre-populate CC - ELV+RoHS Create a pre-populate file compatible with the ELV+RoHS version of Compliance Connect.
    Pre-populate IPC 1752A Create a pre-populate file compatible with the IPC 1752A.
    Pre-populate IPC 1752B Create a pre-populate file compatible with the IPC 1752B.
    Pre-populate chemSHERPA Article Tool Create a pre-populate file compatible with the chemSHERPA Article tool in the IEC62474 XML format with one part per file. For multiple parts, a zip file is generated with the .shai extension. A separate zip file is created for each manufacturer and manufacturer location. Each zip file contains a maximum of 100 files, and multiple zips are generated if necessary.
    Pre-populate chemSHERPA Chemical Tool Create a pre-populate file compatible with the chemSHERPA Chemical tool in the IEC62474 XML format with one part per file. For multiple parts, a zip file is generated with the .shci extension. A separate zip file is created for each manufacturer and manufacturer location. Each zip file contains a maximum of 100 files, and multiple zips are generated if necessary.
    Pre-poluate IPC 1754 Create a pre-populate XML format file compatible with IPC 1754.
    Pre-populate JGPSSI Create a pre-populate file compatible with JGPSSI.
    Pre-populate JAMA JAPIA Create a pre-populate file compatible with JAMA JAPIA. This option is enabled when ELV is used. If this option is chosen, the Due Date field is displayed and you must enter a due date for the supplier in the pre-populate file.
    Pre-populate JAMP AIS Create a pre-populate file compatible with JAMP AIS.
    For mobile devices, the pre-populate options are not supported.

    Pre-populate options handle multiple material declaration scenarios in the following ways

    • IPC1752A, IPC 1754, and JAMP AIS formats allow multiple requester part/MEP combinations to be specified for a material declaration; therefore the pre-populate file will include each combination of requester part (enterprise part) and MEP of the material declaration.
    • For other formats (Compliance Connect, IPC 1752A, and JAMA), if more than one MEP shares a common material declaration then only one requested part for that material declaration will be generated in the pre-populate file. Data for the first encountered MEP will be written to the pre-populate file.
    Output Format Choose the output for the report: Browser, Printer-Friendly, or File.

    For IPC 1754, you can only choose File.

    For mobile devices, the Printer Friendly and File formats are not supported

    Options Select the check boxes as needed.

    Unreported Parts Only. If checked, only unreported MEPs are included in the output.

    Include all top-level assemblies in report. If checked, additional rows are displayed for the top-level enterprise parts in the report output. This option applies only when the report is generated from enterprise part and only if the Report Type is set to Supplier Report.

    Requester Reference Number Only shows for the chemSHERPA Article Tool and chemSHERPA Chemical Tool report types. Enter a reference number.
    Due Date Only shows for the JAMA JAPIA, IPC 175x, IPC 1754, chemSHERPA Article Tool, and chemSHERPA Chemical Tool report types. A due date included in the pre-populate file to the supplier.
    Requester Area Only shows for the chemSHERPA Article Tool and chemSHERPA Chemical Tool reports. Not editable. The app automatically populates the area.
    Requested Declaration Only shows for the chemSHERPA Article Tool. Choose either Compliance or Compliance and Composition

    Composition includes information about materials and substances. Compliance includes information about Declared Thresholds.

    Requester Division Only shows for the chemSHERPA Article Tool and chemSHERPA Chemical Tool report types. The location of the person in the host company making the request.
    Comments Only shows if you selected IPC 1752A or IPC 1754. Any comments included in the pre-populate file to the supplier.
    IPC Only shows if you selected IPC 1752A. Select the type of submission requested from suppliers:

    Table 1. Supported Import File Formats
    Choice Description
    Declaration Only Only a compliance declaration is requested.
    Declaration + Material Category/Classification A compliance declaration plus material category disclosure is requested (only applies to IPC 1752A).
    Declaration + Substance Category/Classification A compliance declaration plus substance category disclosure is requested.
    Declaration + Full Disclosure A compliance declaration plus a complete disclosure of the components and materials is requested.

    Include Manufacturing Information Only shows if you selected IPC 1752A. Select the check box to include a request for manufacturing information in the pre-populate file.

  5. Click Done. The app generates the report. If you chose Printer-Friendly or File as the output format, the app prompts you to save the file. For the chemSHERPA Article Tool and chemSHERPA Chemical Tool report formats, the app generates a zip file that can be used to import part data into the chemSHERPA tool.

See Supplier Report.