Using Templates and Formulas to Define Connections

You can use templates and formulas to define connections efficiently.

You can use templates to save connection definitions for reuse. You can use the connection template editor to create new templates or to open and edit templates that you have saved on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

You can use Knowledgeware formulas and parameters to define design relationships that can be applied to connections. Knowledgeware is the collective name for a group of techniques used to control parameters based on knowledge of the model's intended applications. Incorporating Knowledgeware into model and simulation parameters allows other users to work with the model more effectively.

If a connection definition is saved to a template, the template does not include any formulas used in the definition. Instead, the template stores the calculated values.

This task shows you how to:

Create and Edit Connection Templates

  1. From the Automated FEM section of the action bar, click Connection Template.
  2. Select Connection type.
    The dialog box shows settings for the selected type.
  3. To load connection properties from a saved template file:
    1. Click .
      The Object Selection dialog box appears.
    2. Select one of the following options:

      • Search and select a template from all the template documents stored in the database.
      • Click Import a file to import a document stored on your computer, and click the check mark in the object selection prompt after the document has been imported.

    The saved parameters are loaded into the template editor.
  4. Edit the connection parameters.
  5. Click to save the parameters to the template document. If this is a new template, specify a name for the document.

The template is saved to the platform.

Use Knowledgeware Formulas

  1. From the connection editor, right-click a field and select Add Formula .
  2. Use the Formula Editor to define the value.
  3. To deactivate or delete a formula, right-click the Edit Formula command and select Deactivate Formula or Delete Formula.
    The parameter takes the value determined by the formula, and the Edit Formula command is shown next to the value.

    This value can be overridden if you specify a new value using one of these methods:

    • You use the multi-edit capability in the Connection Manager to change the parameter.
    • You load a template that defines a value for the parameter while you are in the connector editor.

    If you change the value of an external parameter, the program re-evaluates the formula and updates the value.