Importing and Exporting External Simulation Representations

You can use Model Assembly Design to import and export External Simulation Representations.

  1. To import an External Simulation Representation, select from the External Modeling section of the action bar.
  2. Select the path, enter the name of the manifest XML file to import, and click Open.

    Model Assembly Design imports an External Simulation Representation from the manifest XML file, which transcribes the XML objects and attributes into an External Simulation Representation.

  3. To export an External Simulation Representation, select from the External Modeling section of the action bar.
  4. Select the path, enter the name of the manifest XML file to export to, and click Save.

    Model Assembly Design exports an External Simulation Representation to the manifest XML file, which transcribes the tabular view into XML objects and attributes. A Sample Manifest XML File shows the format of the manifest XML file.