About the User-Driven Automated FEM Method

The user-driven method of automated finite element modeling allows you to mesh products and assemblies outside of the meshing procedures in Structural Model Creation and Fluid Model Creation. The user-driven method greatly accelerates the meshing process, integrates rules-based meshing technology, increases accessibility (no interactive app is required), and handles assemblies (a FEM assembly is created automatically). The user-driven method also allows you to mesh with user procedures that you define, in addition to the meshing procedures provided in the app.

The greatest advantage of this method is the ability to mesh multiple products without the need to load all the geometry and finite element model representations into memory.

See Also
Creating a FEM With the User-Driven Automated FEM Method
About User Procedures

The user-driven method allows you to work with individual products or assemblies. You can use it to create an assembled finite element model (FEM) representation and to mesh an assembly made of subproducts with 3D shape representations. You can also use this method to run procedures that idealize geometry or to complete other tasks on a product before meshing.

When you run the user-driven method, it creates any required model modifications, such as defeatured geometry or midsurfaces. The user-driven method does not account for meshed connections. Use a different automated FEM method if you want to mesh connections in your model.

By default, the method creates one child FEM representation for each leaf product to be meshed and one FEM representation that assembles all the child FEM representations. You can change the execution options to instead create one FEM representation for the entire assembly.