Creating Axisymmetric FEMs

You can create the planar model, axis system, and finite element model for an axisymmetric simulation.

Before you begin: Create or import any existing geometry for your model.
See Also
About Axisymmetric Simulations
  1. From the Automated FEM section of the action bar, click Automated FEM , and select Axisymmetric.
    The Axisymmetry FEM dialog box appears.
  2. Select the symmetry Plane.

    The plane represents the 2D surface that contains the model to rotate.

    Tip: You can create a new plane using the context menu selections.

  3. Select the symmetry Origin.

    The origin represents the starting position in the plane for the model.

    Tip: You can create a new point using the context menu selections.

  4. Select the symmetry Axis of symmetry.

    Tip: You can create a new line using the context menu selections.

  5. From the Model geometry options, select one of the following:
    Extracted Cuts existing 3D geometry using the symmetry plane to create a 2D representation of the 3D model.
    Specified Selects existing 2D geometry to create the model.
    None Creates an empty FEM to which you must add geometry or mesh elements to complete the model definition.
  6. For Extracted model geometry, choose one of the following methods for initializing the geometry supports for the FEM:
    Main bodiesCreates the FEM for the primary 3D geometry in each 3D shape (the part body, a solid body, or one volume in an ordered geometric set).
    All geometriesCreates the FEM for all 3D geometry in the assembly, including part bodies, bodies, and ordered geometric sets.
    Visible geometries Creates the FEM for visible geometry only.
    Selected geometriesCreates the FEM for the geometry that you select.
  7. If you chose Selected geometries, select the geometry to include in the FEM.
  8. Select one of the following methods for initializing the mesh:
    Default Automatically creates a surface quad mesh with an element size based on the overall geometry size.
    Specify Provides options to choose surface triangle or quad, select linear or quadratic elements, specify a mesh size and sag, and create knowledge parameters for the mesh.

    Specific mesh parameters are described in the Mesh Creation user's guide.

  9. Click OK.

A root Abstraction Shape is created with the selected planar geometry and an axisymmetric axis system. The finite element model is created.

Abstraction shapes are created for all part instances that contain selected bodies. The shapes include a planar cut of the 3D geometry to create the axisymmetric model. A 2D axis system is shown to indicate the radial and axial directions.

The model view is rotated normal to the cut plane; therefore, the axis of symmetry, Z, appears vertical. You can open Structural Scenario Creation or Mechanical Scenario Creation to continue adding features to build the simulation.