Defining a Rule to Mesh Fillets

You can impose a number of layers to mesh fillets.

Important: Fillet smaller than Simplify geometry under in the Geometry parameters are simplified out of the mesh.

Before you begin: The Meshing Rules Editor or All Parameters dialog box must be open for creating or modifying a tetrahedron, surface triangle, or surface quad mesh.
  1. Select the Features section, select Fillets as the feature type, and click the Mesh fillet icon.
    The Mesh Fillet dialog box appears.
  2. Define the fillets you want to be affected by the rule.
    1. To specify a parameter, enter a value.
    2. To remove a parameter, click the clear field (x) icon.

    If you clear a field, no threshold value will be imposed for the corresponding parameter.

  3. Select a Mesh with method to specify how the number of mesh layers around fillets is to be treated.
    • Select Min. number of layers to mesh fillets using a minimum of the specified number of layers—more layers might be added to match the surrounding mesh size.
    • Select Exact number of layers to mesh fillets with exactly the specified number of layers.
  4. In the Number of layers list, select the number of layers you want to use to mesh the fillets affected by the rule.
    Consider the following fillet (highlighted in orange):

    Result of a mesh with two layers:

    Result of a mesh with three layers:

  5. Click OK in the N-layers dialog box.

When you create the mesh, all fillets between the minimum and maximum parameter values are remeshed with a number of layers corresponding to your choice in Step 3.

Note: If a potential problem is detected with values you entered, a confirmation dialog box indicates the possibility of a poor mesh (oversized or undersized elements). You can return to the editor and redefine parameters or to continue with the current settings.