About Point Fasteners

A point fastener joins two or more bodies with discrete connections at one or more points.

Point fasteners are used to model the behavior of bodies joined at isolated points, such as spot welded or riveted joints. The fastener behavior might be similar to bolted connections but without the added complexity of bolt definitions. You can join part bodies or mesh parts with point fasteners. You can also fasten a part to itself. You can search for potential fastener locations and define a fastener to apply to selected locations from the search results.

Template Files

When you create a point fastener, you can save the point fastener definition to a template file. Once you create a template file, you can load the parameters back into the editor when you create other point fasteners. After you have loaded parameters into your point fastener definition, you can edit any of the parameters for that point fastener as required. If you edit a template after point fasteners have been created using the template, the point fastener definitions are not updated automatically. To apply the changes, you need to reload the template file into the point fastener definitions.