Querying Model Properties

You can query the model properties by the whole model, a plot, a part, or a display group. You can export this information to a .csv file for later reference.

See Also
Model Properties
  1. From the Standard section of the action bar, click Model Properties .
    The Model Properties Query dialog box appears.
  2. Select one or more of the following:
    Whole model Runs the query on the entire model.
    Plot Runs the query on a specific plot.
    Part Runs the query on a specific part or all parts.
    Display group Runs the query on a specific display group.
  3. Optional: Click Advanced Options to define the moment of inertia.
    1. Check Include non-structural mass to include non-structural mass values in the mass and inertia computations.
    2. If your model lacks a material density definition, check Default density used when undefined, and enter a value.
    3. Select the Origin options: Individual centroid, Model centroid, or User Csys.

      You can measure mass properties from the centroid of the entire model (Model centroid) or from individual centroids associated with the parts.

    4. Select the Axes options: Global, Individual principal, Model principal, or User Csys.

      You can measure mass properties from the principal axis of the entire model (Model principal) or from individual axes associated with the parts.

    5. If you selected User Csys in a previous step, select a specific coordinate system from the list.
      You can query separate coordinate systems for the origin and axis.
    6. Click OK.
  4. Click Query to run the model properties query.
    The Model Properties Query dialog box displays the results of the query.
  5. Optional: Filter the results by doing one of the following:
    • For Mass/Volume results, enter the text string by which to filter in the Filter name field.

      The list displays only those results whose Name contains this string.

    • For Nodal results or Element results, enter the string by which to filter in the Filter ID field.

      The list displays only those results whose ID contains this string.

  6. Optional: Click Clear List to clear the query results display.
  7. Optional: To export the query results information to a .csv file, click .