Changing Thresholds for Displaying Extrema

You can control the range of values used for the current legend and the optional display of extrema in regions exceeding the defined threshold.

Before you begin: You must have a contour plot or symbol plot displayed before you can modify plot options.
  1. Do one of the following to display the Plot Options:
    • Click the results plot, and select the Plot options tool in the context toolbar.
    • Double-click the results plot.
  2. Click the Options tab ( or ) to display the Threshold group box at the top of the tabbed page.
  3. Select the threshold Type to set the measurement criteria:
    None (Default) No threshold value is used.
    Upper limitEstablishes an upper limit for the assignment of color to results. Results above the Upper limit are assigned the out of range color. Extrema can be displayed for each contiguous region with results values less than the Upper limit.
    Lower limitEstablishes a lower limit for the assignment of color to results. Results below the Lower limit are assigned the out of range color. Extrema can be displayed for each contiguous region with results values greater than the Lower limit.
    Percent upper limitEstablishes an upper limit as a percentage of the entire range for the assignment of color to results.
    Percent lower limit Establishes a lower limit as a percentage of the entire range for the assignment of color to results.
  4. Depending on your Type selection, enter an integer or a percentage for the Value.
  5. Select Show Extrema to show the minimum and maximum values in the plot.

    Deselecting this option hides the extrema indicators, but the plot and legend are still updated according to changes you made to the threshold.

  6. Select Show beyond limit as transparent to render transparent the portions of your model whose values exceed the selected threshold.

    Deselecting this option prompts the app to render these portions of your model using the out-of-range color specified in the Legend Options.

  7. Click Apply to activate your changes, or click OK to activate your changes and to close the plot dialog box.

The plot of your model is updated according to the selected threshold definitions.