About Model Plots

You can use contour plots, symbol plots, or color code plots to display preprocessing data.

See Also
Displaying Contour and Symbol Plots
Displaying Color Code Plots
In Other Guides
Feature Manager

The contents of the model determine whether you can plot contour, symbol, or color code plots for the selected variable.

  • Contour plots apply color coding to your model to indicate the magnitude (scalars) in different regions of the model.
  • Symbol plots use arrows to indicate the direction (tensors and vectors) of the result in different regions of the model. Color coding is applied to the arrows to indicate the magnitude at each arrow, while the orientation of the arrowhead indicates the direction.
  • Color code plots use predefined colors assigned to a part, section, material, surface, servant domain, element type, or face ID.

A legend associates each color with a particular value for the selected result type.

All plots you create for modeling become available for selection in the Feature Manager, provided the quantity for that plot is included in the current step. Contextual menu options are available for the plots only when the Model Plots mode is active.