Configuring General Properties

You can configure general properties for Manufacturing BOM Management.

MBOM generation during CA release

If this property is set to “true,” the system will automatically perform an all-level MBOM generation during the CA release.


MBOM start date offset

The minimum gap in hours required between today and a date, to set that date as an change object's start date. The value must be an integer. For example, to set a one-day offset in hours, use:


Production Make Buy Code - Make

Range value of attribute: ProductionMakeBuyCode representing in-house manufacturing.


Production Make Buy Code - Buy

Range value of attribute: ProductionMakeBuyCode representing out-sourcing.


All Level MBOM Make Buy Code

This property is used to set the value of the Make/Buy for end items on the Part Revision relationship during All Level MBOM Generation.


EBOM attributes for copying to MBOM

EBOM Attributes to be copied to MBOM as a pipe-separated (|) list. Any change in value of any of these attributes generate to a new sequence MBOM connection.


Design Purchase Code for Buy

Value for part attribute: Design Purchase which would default part's Make Buy Code in MBOM to 'Buy.'


Behavior of change sequence functionality

This is set to true in case the part revision sequence across make-buy changes must be prevented.


Switch alternate part

This property is set to either TRUE or FALSE. If the property value is set to true then the switch from Primary part to Alternate will be performed in all assemblies of the context plant, where the primary part is used and vice versa. If this property is set to false, then switch will be performed only in context assembly of the context plant.


Manufacturing Part policies

This property has pipe-separated symbolic names of all custom manufacturing part policies. By default this is set to the Manufacturing Part policy.


Usage filter options

This property specifies the list of values for the Usage option combo box in the BOM PowerView. The default is DesignView|PlanningView|All.


Filter options

This property specifies the list of values for the BOM PowerView structure browser table. The default is Next|All|End Item.


MBOM released to ERP

This property indicates if a 'Buy' assembly's MBOM will be released to ERP or not. It is used for activating assembly and MBOM children based on the key value.

  • If property is TRUE then set ERPStatus of Assembly Part and its MBOM children
  • If property is FALSE and make/buy code of assembly is Make then activate assembly and MBOM children
  • If property is FALSE and make/buy code of assembly is Buy then activate assembly only


MBOM attributes for parallel plants

This property specifies the selectable list of attributes that can be changed in the MBOM for parallel plants.
