Deleting a Part

The My Engineering View category shows a list of recently modified parts and objects. You can delete parts from this list as long as you adhere to the rules described below. Any parts that you delete are no longer in the database.

How and whether a listed part is used in an existing BOM determines whether you can delete the part from the list.

If the part to delete... Rule for Deleting the Part
... is used as child part in an EBOM. You cannot delete the part.
... has child parts in an EBOM. You can delete the part if all of these criteria are true:
  • You have a role that allows you to delete the part.
  • The listed part is the latest revision.
  • The part is not a proposed or realized item in an active change action.
... is a stand-alone part. It is not a child parts and has no child parts of its own.
... is an alternate, substitute, or "Make From" part. You can delete the part.
Note: If one or more parts that you select do not meet the criteria listed above, none of the parts you select will be deleted.

  1. To open My Engineering View, select the Engineering category and then My Engineering View.
    Your first 50 most recently modified parts are listed. To expand the list, click the number of parts in the dashboard Items section.
  2. Select one or more parts in the Parts list.
  3. Click the Delete icon, , in the toolbar.