MECO Properties

The MECO Properties page shows details about the MECO entered when the MECO was created or modified.

To access this page, do one of:

  • Click > Manufacturing > Change from the top bar to search for and select an MECO. See About Searches.
  • Click the highlighted name of an MECO from any related page.

This topic describes:


TypeThe type of MECO
DescriptionDetails about the MECO
PolicyThe policy that controls the lifecycle and access for the MECO
Design ResponsibilityThe organization that is responsible for the MECO
Distribution ListThe member list that is used for notifications about the MECO
Reviewer ListThe route template with a base purpose of “Review” that defines the list of people that should review the MECO before it is promoted to a specified state
Approval ListThe approval route template that is used in the MECO Review state to assign an approval route
Responsible Manufacturing EngineerA selected user in the Senior Manufacturing Engineer role who reviews the MECO
Responsible Design EngineerA selected user in the Senior Design Engineer role who reviews the MECO

For details about the categories related to the MECO, see Opening a MECO.